CH-1 Mystery Disappearances

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Kyoka's POV
It is currently the third year of our UA journey with Christmas just around the corner. We are all excited about graduating in around four months time but the one person we all thought would be the most excited isn't, that person is Izuku Midoriya. He and I have never been especially close but since we have been classmates for almost three years, living in the same dorms, I knew when he was acting off as did everyone else. Normally he is full of energy, not Mina levels of energy but still a lot of energy, however for the past month or so he has been starting to act differently. He hasn't smiled once this entire time and has been training almost none stop, he has also picked up an unusual habit of grabbing the left side of his face and whenever someone asked about it he played it off as a headache but I doubted him.

Today was Friday and Mina was trying to get everyone to go out to the mall so we could hang out as a class but this had happened so many times that we all knew she just wanted to use Yaomomo's credit cards to buy new clothes. However, most people still decided to go since they wanted to grab some items themselves. I opted out since I didn't want anything so I would be going for the sake of going and the other person who didn't want to go was Midoriya, he said he had training planned which seemed to be his entire life now. For the past few weeks he had been mysteriously disappearing before school and afterwards too, nobody knew where he was going only that he said he was training. This was believable since almost everyday at around 9pm he would show up at the dorms completely exhausted and covered in mud and bruises, he was working himself to the bone everyday and everyone was worried about him.

In the morning I woke up fairly early since Bakugo was yelling almost all morning making it impossible to sleep, but once I got downstairs everyone was there except for one person.
"Where's Midoriya?" I asked as I noticed he wasn't there.
"No idea. Probably off training again" Yaomomo sighed.
"He shouldn't be working himself so hard. Especially this early in the morning" Mina stated.
"We all know Midoriya, he always trains" Todoroki said whilst slurping up the last of his soba.
"He never normally trains this much though, he is pushing himself for some reason" Iida mentioned. I brushed it off since this has been happening a lot lately but was starting to get concerned about him. I ate my breakfast with the rest of the class before heading to our class. Since I was at the back of the pack I noticed something when I turned around after hearing some leaves rustle, Midoriya was panting heavily whilst running around the side of the dorms entering quickly. I was half tempted to quickly run back and see if he was alright but I knew that I would be late for class if I did so decided to leave it for now.

Once we arrived in class Midoriya was the only one missing, we were all sitting on our desks talking to each other about one thing or another but I completely spaced out staring at the door waiting for Midoriya to step through so I could see if he was actually alright. After a few minutes Mr Aizawa was late for class and Midoriya still wasn't here but we then noticed the door open slightly so we all rushed to our seats so Mr Aizawa wouldn't yell at us for not being in our seats but as it cracked open slightly the door slowly closed. All of us were confused so I subtly plugged my jack into the ground to listen in to what was happening on the other side of the door.
"You alright Midoriya?" Mr Aizawa asked.
"Yeah... Just a little tired" Midoriya answered.
"You shouldn't be pushing yourself like this. At least in the morning" Mr Aizawa said.
"Sorry sir, I just have to get stronger" Midoriya apologised.
"How long was it today?" Mr Aizawa asked whilst sighing.
"Five hours, I had a late start" Midoriya replied. WHAT!? He has been training for five hours!? He came into the dorms at around 9pm last night completely exhausted. How did he get up so early and train for so long? Did he say it was a late start too? Why is he pushing himself this far?
"Just don't fall asleep in class, try to take it easy for the rest of the day please" Mr Aizawa requested.
"Sure thing" Midoriya replied. They both entered the classroom fairly quickly afterwards so I quickly brought my jack out of the ground and got a good look at Midoriya to see that he had bruises over his hands and face. His eyes had bags under them showing that he had gotten barely any sleep lately. He didn't even have a smile on his face like he used to and that made me sad, even though we weren't that close I always loved seeing that smile on his face as it gave me a sense of peace and safety but now that it was gone I had no idea what to feel.

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