Chapter 2~The New Arrival

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~9 Years Later~

"ANTHONY EDWARD STARK!!" I yelled from the main floor of the Avengers Compound. Could I have walked to his lab? Yes. Could I have asked F.R.I.D.A.Y. to call him? Sure. Was it good for me to be yelling for my father in this massive building I call home? No. But none of that was going to stop me. "Get your ass out here!"

"What's with all the yelling?" Wanda asked, joining me in the hall.

"This," I said, shoving invoices into her hands. She just stared at the papers with all the numbers on them. Before she could ask me to explain, I stormed up the stairs to my father's lab. "Dad? Where the hell are you?"

My father walked out of his lab just as I turned the corner, causing us to collide. I stumbled backwards from the impact and Wanda reached out to catch me before I fell on my ass.

"Lizzy?" my father asked with genuine concern in his voice. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I said, pulling myself out of Wanda's arms and straightening my suit jacket.

"You sure?" he asked. "You know you shouldn't get too excited."

"I'm not excited. To be excited would indicate that I am happy about something. And I am far from happy."

"You shouldn't get yourself worked up. You know it's not good for you. Here, sit down," my father said, leading me to a couch in his lab. "Wanda, will you get her some water?"

"Of course," Wanda said, turning to leave.

"No, I don't need water, I'm fine. What I do need, however, is for you to explain this," I said, grabbing the papers out of Wanda's hand. "Would you care to explain why you spent this much on such trivial things?"

"Trivial?" my father asked, truly offended.

"Yes, trivial. This is ridiculous..." I started.

"It's not ridiculous," my father interrupted. "This is all essential for the party you insisted I throw."

My heart fluttered in my chest. Maybe I did get a little too worked up. "Yes, I insisted you throw a welcome party. A small, close friends and family only, welcome party."

"That's what this is," my father insisted.

"A magician, trampolines, a ball pit, and an adult size bouncy house? Are you crazy? We don't need these, they are unnecessary."

"No they're not. I want everyone to have fun."

"Dad, we're grown adults.  We don't need trampolines and a magician."

"Actually, I quite like the idea of the ball pit and bouncy house," Wanda interjected.

I shot a look at Wanda. "Not helping," I said through gritted teeth.

"See," my father said proudly, ignoring me.

"Fine, we can keep the "entertainment" but can you explain why you purchased enough food to feed 100 people. There are only, like, 25 of us coming and one of them doesn't eat. And, 50 cases of Becks and Bitburger Premium Pilsner. You don't even like beer."

"That's for the super soldiers and Wilson."

"You know, Steve and Bucky fought in WWII right. I don't think they'll exactly be thrilled to drink GERMAN BEER. And 50 cases? That seems a bit excessive, especially since Thor can't make it."

"I was trying to be proactive. Rogers and Barnes can't get drunk, so we're good for days."

"Not if they don't drink it!"

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