Chapter 13-Threat

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It had been 3 weeks, almost a month since I last talked with Alicia. I can't judge her for it. Everytime I would try talking to her, she would turn her back and walk away from me. Maybe giving her phone back will make things easier between us.
Alicia's POV:

I had been ignoring Alesso for the past 3 weeks. I didn't want him near me. Not at all. Madi had realized I was in a bad mood and wanted to take me out. I couldn't say no to a girls night.

"Hey Alicia? I'll go and get dressed for tonight, but first I have to shower and it's probably gonna take me an hour" she said with a serious tone. I laughed at how dumb that sounded. One hour? In the shower? She was so funny when she was sarcastic.

"I'm serious, it takes me literally an hour" was the last thing she said when she left and closed the door behind her. One fucking hour??? This girl is literally crazy. I laughed at myself for a few second as I stopped when I heard Alesso's voice in the corridors. He was probably in the phone or something. I took my hoodie of and my shorts as I was left with my underwear. My thongs matched my bra which looked pretty cute. I opened up my bag to try to find something hot for tonight. Something that shows but at the same time doesn't show too much. I found a red wine dress with two thin straps that goes over the shoulders, so I'm definitely not gonna wear a bra with this one. I took off my bra to put on the red wine dress.

"What are you getting ready for" I heard a dark voice. Shit. Alesso. I had forgotten to lock the door. I froze and didn't make any move. My ass was literally shown in his face, I had no bra. What the hell do I do now!??!! My panic ran around my body, but I didn't move.

"Just gonna hang out with Madi" I said with a quick respond.

"Oh. Okay" he said nearly disappointed.

He walked up to me with his slow steps. I could hear the heel of his shoe coming closer to me. He threw something on the bed. My phone.

"Your gonna need body guards when you leave" he nearly whispered. I could feel his breath against my neck. He put both of his hand on my waist as he slowly dragged his hand up and down. This felt amazing. I could feel his hands coming near my breasts. Then I felt his finger.

"You don't have a bra on" he nearly whispered.

"Yea I need to get dressed I said" turning at him, just looking down and trying to go to the bathroom in my room that was exactly behind him. I covered my breasts with my arms crossed.

"Hey" he said turning me around. When I looked at him, we didn't have an eye contact. His eyes were down. Down at my breasts. I sooner then looked up at me. He licked his bottom lip and gave me the dress while looking away. I took the dress from his hand and walked straight to the bathroom, locked the door and sighed out.

"Shit" I said running my hands in my hair.

"I'm sorry Alicia for what I did" was all he said when I sooner heard the door close and everything was silent. He sounded really upset. He did give my phone back, so that's good.
couple hours later

Me and Madi were now ready and were about to walk out when one of Alesso's men came.

"Ms. Brown, Mr. Giordano said I was gonna be with you and Ms....-Oh just call me Alicia" I said happily. He smiled at me

"alright, Mr. Giordano said I was gonna be yours and Ms. Alicia's body guard for tonight?" He said nervously.

"Thanks Lorenzo, can you get the BMW to the front?" She asked.

"Of course Ms. Brown" he answered and went the other way. It was an awkward silence when I sooner got a question popped up in my head.

"Uhm Madi?"

"Yea what's up?" She asked while looking at her phone.

"Have you know..-ooooh yea multiple times" she interrupted with her eyes locked on the screen.

"Yea but like, with Lorenzo" I whispered. She looked at me in shock.

"Did he tell you" she nearly yelled. I looked at her back in shock.

"Oh my- you didn't know right?" She face-palmed her self while breathing out a dramatic sigh. While I laughed at her, I got a call. It was Thiago. I haven't heard from him since...yea...since Alesso "kidnapped" me. I still don't know what the fuck I'm doing here. I answered the phone.

"Thiago?". No response.

"Thiagoooo" I nearly yelled in the phone while laughing.

"500k by Thursday at the historical fountain or he is dead" a dark voice said. Then it hung up. My hand was shaking in fear.

"Alicia, you okay?" Madi asked with a worried tone.

"It's Thiago".

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