(Undoing her dress.)

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Chapter eight:

And the sumptuous meal is definitely worth the wait and effort. I've never felt a hunger this deep. My penis, thick and hard, is pressing against her belly. I'm embarrassing wet. Our mouths still fused, I pull the zipper on my dress, my movements as urgent as the need inside me. I tug the garment down, letting it pool around Odette Annabelle's feet. A soft sigh of admiration slip's between my lips as I take Odette Annabelle in, my face stark with carnal delight. She was glad that she put on her best underwear today. She doesn't have the biggest breasts or the roundest ass.

But the sheer female appreciation that glimmers in her gorgeous green eyes heats me up. I feel like she has the best body in the entire universe. "You're perfect, she says, soft awe in her voice.

My toes curls in my shoes. "Take off your clothes, She demanded, feeling bold and powerful. I've never been wanted like this- unabashedly and so open. It's liberating, untying the knots of inhibition around myself and my lusty instincts. Wanted and wanton

With a wicked grin, I get rid of all them in a few quick motions. Fully naked, we were both stunning.

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