[HTF] Let's Get Real! (HTF & Reader, part 1)

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A/N: WASSUP GUYS IT'S YA GURL!!! Here with this rather odd series idea that I am not even sure I'll keep going but ah well. Basically the Happy Tree Hecks in our world, with you being the poor unfortunate soul forced to deal with them. This is a "pilot episode" or "prologue" of sorts. Goreless for now, though it definitely won't stay that way throughout the full story. Enjoy!

Oh, and P.S: (Y/N) is sometimes going to be referred to as "mix" in rectangular brackets because in this house we're gender inclusive and the HTFs are very polite.


It's eight minutes to 2 AM and you were alone in the house, not asleep in the slightest.

You only had yourself to blame, though since admitting defeat to your overactive brain would've been uncomfortable you blamed the changing weather instead. You left a window open to let in some cool air as you sat on your bed in complete darkness, the screen of your phone supplying most of the light. There was nothing interesting for you to look at, but it's not like you had any other distraction from your obviously and painfully awake state.

Rain pattered softly outside, drumming on the rooftop and beating away at the backyard soil. Among the droplets floated a humid scent of wet grass that you rather enjoyed. The scene felt almost romantic, radiating an atmosphere of pleasant loneliness. You could have cherished it properly had you not been so tired.

Your ear rang with a strange, unexpected phantom noise. You held your breath for a second, then shook it off, thinking it to be imaginary. Wouldn't be the first time you heard a brief sound only to find no source to it. It's normal, it happens.

But then came the screaming.

If you hadn't been yet, now you were positively wide awake. You put down your phone and listened. It came from about two houses away; you looked out the window and saw nothing but dark blurs of trees and bushes. In your sleep-deprived haze you could only hope that you knocked yourself out browsing Quotev and were dreaming at the moment.

As for the screams, they didn't sound human either, further proving your theory. High pitched and childlike; no, not like children, more so reminiscent of those obnoxious cartoon characters designed for drooling toddlers to distract them long enough for their moms to have a martini break from the hardships of parenthood.

Their owners must have been terrorized out of their minds to be shrieking bloody murder at such a startling volume. Soon enough they began hushing each other and not-so-quietly conversing in tones laced with various levels of anger and fear. You couldn't make out what they were saying so you slowly and carefully climbed closer to the window and poked your head out. Still couldn't see anything, but now you were able to decipher their words.

– WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE'RE IN ANOTHER DIMENSION? – a feminine voice questioned.

– Well I know I didn't sign up for an interdimensional trip in the middle of the night! – another quipped. – You owe us an explanation.

– I know, I know, this wasn't supposed to happen! But if you could just calm down and listen—


– Flaky, chill out, it's fine—


– Good question... Where are we, doc?

A thin sigh.

– I... am not exactly sure.

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