[FNF] Unrequited (Boyfriend X Pining!Reader)

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A/N: Not continuing this with more Senpai, surprisingly. Even more shocking: this one has two different endings! Depending on whether you want (Y/N) to be feisty and impulsive or continue repressing their feelings, you may choose between the alternate continuations. Art credit goes to @.kaomogi on Tumblr.


Walking up and down in front of the block, you mindlessly observed the streets around you in the pink bubble of twilight. Vehicles rushing home flashed by as the sun descended inch by inch, casting a warm blanket of orange glow onto the city, although it was not to rest when darkness came. It had always been a busy area.

You were hoping to spot somebody, or rather, a certain pair of somebodies. It was anyone's guess where they would end up by sunset, with their busy lives that had recently gotten even busier. You knew for sure though that the three of you had agreed to meet up at your favorite fast food place that night, which meant they should've been near by then. You didn't want to stray too far, yet found yourself taking exploratory walks in a widening radius as the minutes ticked by.

The sky had already shifted to a dark purple when you decided to text them, as the arranged date was approaching fast. You stopped beside a quiet alleyway, essentially blind to your surroundings while you were typing away on your phone, thus you didn't notice the couple strolling in your direction.

– Hey (Y/N)!

– Beep!

You perked your head up only to see the taller one of them waving to you with a smile on her face, arms hooked with her small blue-haired companion.

– Hi guys!

You quickly put your phone away and began striding toward them as well. You met about halfway and exchanged friendly hugs with the both of them.

– I was just about to text you!

– Oh dear, I hope you didn't have to wait too much. We got caught up in another surprise rap battle.

– Figured that was the case. Too bad I wasn't there to see it...

– Well, you know you can tag along any time!

– I know, I just had stuff to do today.

You then directed your attention onto BF, snatching his cap playfully and putting it on your own head. It was a little something you would often do to tease him.

– And how was it, blueberry boy? Did you beat them to a figurative pulp with your tight bars?

– Duh! Like always! – he playfully scowled, pretending to be mildly annoyed at your antics.

– I admire your confidence, good sir.

– I mean, not to brag, but... – he said while preparing to brag. – Ever since I've been dating GF it's like I'm on an unbreakable winning streak! – He put an arm around her and gave her a certain fond look that unwittingly twisted your insides. – I guess you're my lucky charm, babe.

She giggled sweetly at his sentimental comment. You couldn't help a momentary wince, but they were too whipped up in each other to notice. A buzzing rhythm broke the romantic silence, and GF dug into her long, poofy hair in confusion, pulling out her phone. You never ceased to wonder about its hammerspace properties.

– Hello?

You didn't hear the voice on the other end all too well, especially with all the background noise, but you did notice her brows furrowing.

– No, listen, I'm with a friend, I can't— yeah, I know, but I really can't right now— No, don't you dare— Okay, fine! I'll go! But make it quick, yeah? See ya.

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