Profiles in Instagram

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Y/n Evans


~Ravenclaw. Seeker and team captain. She/Her. Prankster. Friends call me kitten. Muggle-born. Younger twin to @lil.flower.lily~

Lily Evans


~Gryffindor. Watches Quidditch for fun. She/Her. Muggle-born. Elder twin to @ynn_official~

James Potter


~Gryffindor. Team chaser and captain. He/Him. Prankster. Friends call me Prongs. Pureblood~

Sirius Black


~Gryffindor. Team keeper. He/Him. Prankster. Friends call me Padfoot. Pureblood~

Remus Lupin

~Gryffindor. Gimme chocolate and I'll be happy. He/Him. Prankster. Friends call me Moony. Half-Blood~

Peter Pettigrew


~Gryffindor. i LikE cHeEsE. He/Him. Prankster. Friends call me Wormtail. Half-Blood~

Regulus Black

~Slytherin. Member of The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. Pureblood. Team captain and seeker. He/Him. Better hair than my brother~

Severus Snape


~Slytherin. Loves Potions and Defence Against the Dark Arts. He/Him. Half-Blood~

And that is all!

If there are any others, I will make sure to add them. This story will go from their 5th year till the end of the war when Harry defeats Voldemort, and maybe more, so I have no idea how this will turn out.

I didn't know if Peter was a Pureblood or a Half-Blood, but I searched it up, and it said Mrs Pettigrew was a witch. Since you can't be a Death Eater being associated with muggles, it feels unlikely that he was a muggle-born.

Anyway, I hope these look good the next chapter is going to be the start of the 5th year and Sirius and Y/n aren't dating. Neither are Lily and James.

I searched it up and look:

The Gryffindor team members consisted of Sirius Black, the Keeper, Arthur Browne and John Bell, Beaters, as well as Captain James Potter, Geoffrey Fawley and Marlene McKinnon, Chasers, and Phoebe Dawson, Seeker.

Y/n: Your Name

Y/n/n: Your nickname (in your profile there is ynn_official which is also your nickname)

Y/h/c: Your hair colour

Y/e/c: Your eye colour

Y/f/c: Your favourite colour

Y/f/f: Your favourite flavour

Y/f/t: Your favourite type

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