Reunion with the Dragon

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Dvalin growled and Rimuru's eyes narrowed. 

[ Rimuru-sama, I sensed the corruption on those two sharp spikes on his back. ] Raphael-san reported to Rimuru. 

Rimuru looked at Dvalin and saw 2 purple sharp spikes on his back. These spikes are corrupted blood clots. They are probably remnants of Dvalin's battle against the black dragon Durin in Dragonspine long ago. He thought, recalling Venti's story. 

They're here! Rimuru disappeared and appeared in front of Venti to block a Cryo Abyss Mage's attack.  

"No! Tone-Deaf Bard!" Paimon yelled and blinked, noticing Rimuru before looking at Diluc's side only noticing that Rimuru isn't there anymore. "Since when did he get there!?" 

"Tsk." Cryo Abyss Mage snarled, angry that he was easily blocked. "Do not be fooled by him, dear dragon. He left you to rot alone... Now he attempts to deceive you once more." Cryo Asshole manipulates the poor Dragon. 

"Barbatos..." Dvalin softly growled, thinking what the Cryo Abyss Mage was saying. 

"Let your wrath fester! Mondstadt has already turned its back on you!" Ok, this guy needs to shut up. Rimuru frowned. 

Davlin roared, enraged. 


"It's not like that!" Venti protested. 

"The time has come for the dragon to serve its true master. While you bewail your pathetic selves, and watch the world tremble with fear!" Seriously, can someone drop a meteor in this guy!?

"Dvalin..." Venti trailed off, it breaks his heart when he saw his old friend's eyes filled with betrayal and anger. 

This guy! Rimuru clenched his sword, already considering that he should take the Cryo Abyss Mage and the Dragon before they could do anymore harm. Is this Dragon that easy to manipulate!?  

However before Rimuru could do any of that, a familiar, rough hand was placed on his shoulder. Don't tell me..! Rimuru turned his head and there he is, the stupidly OP storm dragon. 

"Oi, oi, oi! Don't tell me you're going to keep letting these inferior insects manipulate you, Dvalin?" Veldora said with a taunting smirk on his face, although he was seriously pissed off that a Dragon such as Dvalin was getting manipulated by insects. 

It didn't just pissed him off, these Abyss mages are offending him, the Storm Dragon, one of the four True Dragons!  

"Who...?" Venti is confused. What the heck is going on? Who is this mortal? Wait... Venti's eyes widened in surprise, sensing that this person isn't human, but rather... a dragon. Just like that old blockhead. 

"OI! Don't kill him, Veldora!" Rimuru shouted. "You can kill the annoying bug." 

"How dare you call me an insect, you bug!?" Cryo Abyss Mage screeched at Veldora, who got really quiet.

Rimuru sighed, facepalming. This guy is really going to die. 

The Abyss Mage laughed, taking the Storm Dragon's silence as fear. "You inferior mortal--eh?" He looked down only to see that his lower half is missing and there's a mysterious dark flames.

It screeched in pain. 


However, no matter how much Cryo it puts on the flame, it couldn't pull out the mysterious dark flame. Rather, the dark fire slowly consumed it, making sure it feels agonizing pain for hours. 

TEMPEST || genshin impact/that time I got reincarnated as a slimeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora