KNJ Reviews

50 7 6

Judge: _lostsoul__

1) His Sinful Obsession by taehyungs_guccigirl

Book Cover: 2.5/5

The cover is fine but not that much attractive to catch a reader's attention. The author could have used a different picture which seemed more darker than this one. And the font could have been something more bold and attractive.

Book title: 5/5

The Book title is intriguing even when it's not that much unique and it is relevant according to the plot.

Blurb: 3/5

Although the blurb is interesting, it's just the dialogues. It is not what we call the blurb the authors should have given some details as well which can give a more clear insight to the plot.

First Chapter: 5/5

The first chapter of the book sure is interesting it started with a bang and I'm sure the reader would want to continue reading.

Vocabulary: 5/5

The vocabulary wasn't very complex, nor to bland. It was exactly water reader wants - beautiful and easy to understand.

Grammar: 5/5

The grammar was perfect. I didn't find mistakes in subject verb agreement tenses or grammatical numbers.

Plot: 14/20

The plot was in something very unique. I've read many books like this but it was enough to keep the reader interest all the everything was relevant I could understand the backstory of Namjoon and Y/n. There is no clear mention of as to why Namjoon became a mafia and left y/n at the first place the author should have explained their history.

Characters: 9/10

I liked the characters overall, but the characters would have seemed more relevant if the backstory was explained clearly. Although character development is clearly evident at the end of the story.

Emotions: 10/10

Despite everything the motions were conveyed very well. All the motions were relevant to the situations.

Pace: 9/10

It was kinda short story but at some points in the last chapter, I felt the place was a bit fast but it was alright it didn't affect the story that much.

Ending: 10/10

The male leads and together with each other, I think it is satisfactory.

Impression: 7.5/10

The book has a great potential if the author can rectify the above appointed shortcomings. I like the writing style of the author very much.

Total: 85/100

2) Eye Candy by Jellycuddles19_

Book Cover: 3.5/5

The book cover looks pretty good at first sight but considering Namjoon is the protagonist of the story, the main focus of the cover should be him, and in the cover the antagonist of the story comes off as the main focus.

Book Title: 4/5

I think is relevant enough to match the plot. It isn't too common and not to innovative idea but shows the plot alright.

Blurb: 3.5/5

The blurb was somewhat relevant but it could have been more innovative if the author had wrote a bit more about the plot rather than describing the mean leads of the story. It will intrigue the reader mode.

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