Ch 1 - Born a mistake

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The young boy stared in the mirror at the jagged scars that ran across his cheeks. It was the first day of school, and he was afraid of what the other children might think. It was the the week before Halloween, his favorite holiday. It was the only time of year that he could go out in the open world without being judged about his scars. And every year, he got the same conversation;

"That's a very good makeup job you got there kid! Who did it for you? It looks very realistic."

He didn't blame them. He could understand why they would think it's makeup.

He gave a long sigh, and traced the lines with his slender finger.

Maybe the kids there will understand...

He gave one last look in the mirror, and turned to leave.

As he got to the kitchen, he smelled the mouth watering aroma of delicious baked pancakes. He sat down on the chair, where a plate full of food and a note lay in front of him.
He picked up the note and opened it;

Dear Kay. I was running a bit late to work today. I'm so sorry I couldn't be here for your first day of school. Please take care. Have fun at school.

He smiled. Like that was gonna make up for her being gone.

He crumpled the paper and threw it into the trash can, and looked down at the plate.

I wasn't hungry anyway...

He grabbed his back pack and headed out the door, making sure to lock it behind him.

He looked at his small watch. 7:19 a.m. There was still time before the bus came to pick him up. He let out a small breath, looking around in frustration. He hated waiting around for anything.

He pulled on his hood, and waited.

Then, everything seemed to stop. Before he knew what was happening, he was face down with the ground. He laid down, letting out a small groan of pain.

"Hey kid, got any money on ya? I forgot my lunch money at home,"

Kay never answered. He kept laying on the floor, anger sweeping through his veins.

"Hey, dumbbell, I'm talking to ya. What? You a mute or somethin'?"

It was then the kid pulled him around. His first instinct was to cover his scars, and of course, that's what he did.

Now, Kay could see the kid that was bothering him. He wore a small tank top with baggy jeans, and a plastic bling necklace hanging around his neck. He was black, about eleven years of age.

"Damn, you must be mute. Why can't you say nothing boy?"

He lightly tapped Kay's forehead, and he shook away with anger.

"Hey, look alive kid. I was just messing with you. Here, I'll help you up,"

The boy stuck a hand out, but Kay refused him. He stood up, feeling shaky from the knees.

"Aight, is all cool. I'm Shaw."

Kay dusted his stomach off while facing away from the kid.
One he was done, he simply stood again waiting for the bus.

"Damn kid. Say somethin'!"

He stared at nothing. He waited for the kid to leave. Fortunately, he could finally see the bus pulling up. At that time, more kids piled into the curb.

Kay felt anxious. It had been a long time since he was around with a giant group of people before. He was starting to break a sweat, and every second seemed like an hour for him waiting for the bus.

Finally, after what seemed forever, the large vehicle stopped in front of them, and the large doors opened.

He waited for the other kids to pile in, and just before he could get in, he was pulled back. It was the same kid.
"Real kids first, mute."

And with that, he got on. Kay resisted the urge to run away from the bus, and shyly got in. He kept his head low, as he walked through the small isle.

Suddenly, his foot got stuck on something, and he fell forward. He felt the presence of a hundred beady eyes staring him down, laughing at the boy. He got up, his face blushed with embarrassment. He then felt a hand on his shoulder.

"The new kids always get special treatment, mute. Think of this as a... welcoming ceremony."

Shaw gave out a small chuckle. Kay brushed off the hand, and hurried across the lane, careful not to trip on anyone else's feet. He sat at the very back, and quickly covered his face as he started to cry.

I never asked for this life...

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