"Does Diana even know everything about you?" Rafe asks JJ sharply.

"She knows I'm about to paint the sand with your blood." JJ says in a cocky tone.

"Trust me Diana... JJ Maybank.. will never be who he says he is..." Rafe says breathlessly.

JJ punches Rafe in the face and Rafe immediately hits him back. Diana pushed her small body up to a standing position as she still struggled to breathe. She could hear John B getting his ass kicked by both Topper and Kelce. Rafe pummeled JJ to the ground as blood dropped down JJs face.

"What do you want from me Rafe?" Diana asks him sharply.

Rafe stopped hitting JJ as he looked up at Diana. He had an insane look in his eyes as he took a step closer to her.

"Don't fucking touch her." JJ spat out as he quickly sat up.

JJs head was pounding but he wasn't about to let Rafe lay another finger on Diana.

"I want you to suffer... like how you and your friends made me suffer." Rafe says in a serious tone.

"You are fucking insane." Diana whispers breathlessly.

Rafe shakes his head as he rolls his eyes at Diana.

"You obviously have a terrible view on things... and uh .... I mean obviously you think JJ is a great guy... when we know he's fucking every bitch in the outer banks... you really think he's not playing you... your just hard to get... that's the only reason he's spent so much time on you." Rafe says frantically as he struggles to speak.

Diana looked over at JJ as he forced his body into a standing position. His face was covered in blood and he looked like a mess.

"Well... at least he's not trying to kill me." Diana replies sharply.

Diana kicks Rafe as hard as she possibly can in the balls. Rafe crumbles onto the ground in pain and Diana quickly grabs JJs hand as they both bolt over to John B.

"Thanks for the help guys... two on one is very even." John B snaps at them as he was currently getting his ass whooped.

JJ wasted no time in tackling Topper off of John B.

"Your leader or whatever the fuck you call him is down on the ground... go save his ego or something." Diana tells Kelce sharply as she gestures to Rafe.

Kelce ignored her as he continued to fight John B. Diana was so done with the whole situation and she wanted to desperately leave. JJ was on the ground as Topper started hitting him over and over again.

"Here we go again." Diana mutters as she jumps on Toppers back.

She caught Topper off guard causing him to stumble backwards. JJ took the opportunity to punch him causing him to lose his balance. Topper started to fall and Diana realized she would get crushed underneath him. She felt two hands grab her waist as they pulled her off of Topper. JJ pushed her behind him as he hit Topper again making sure he was down for good. Rafe was quickly making his way towards them again.

"John B... we gotta skidattle bro!" JJ yells as he grabs Diana's hand.

Diana and JJ started sprinting away from the dance floor. John B pushes Kelce off of him as he quickly runs after JJ and Diana. JJ grabbed a random red solo cup out of a dudes hand as they weaved through the crowd of people. He chugged the drink as Rafe was close to catching up to them.

"Want something to drink Rafe?" JJ asks Rafe curiously.

He throws the cup at Rafe as he squeezes Diana's hand. JJ runs through more crowds of people hoping to lose Rafe as John B struggled to keep up. The sand made it nearly impossible to run in and Diana's legs were killing her. JJ nearly ran a chick over as they continued to run through the party. Once they ran far enough, and Rafe was no longer following them, they stopped to catch their breath.

"What the hell just happened? I'm still drunk as fuck." John B panted as he looked at the two of them.

"Are you hurt?" JJ asks Diana softly as he examines her body.

"I'm good... you're the one with blood on your face." Diana replies sharply.

"You got more bruises on your side." JJ says in a concerned tone as he examines her waist.

"I'm not good... thanks for asking." John B mumbled as he groaned in pain.

Everything escalated so quickly that Diana and JJ didn't have anytime to process the fact that they both just made-out with each other for the first time. Neither one knew how the other person felt but the kiss meant a lot to both of them. Diana thought about the events of the night and her mind immediately focused on the kiss making her face feel hot.

"I think I need to kill Rafe at this point.. it would make all our problems go away." JJ rambles frantically.

Diana wondered if the kiss meant anything to JJ. She knew what Rafe said to her was partially true. JJ had been with a lot of girls and certain things didn't mean anything to him. Diana knew that kiss meant everything to her but who knows how JJ felt.
I swear Rafe ruins everything 🖕

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