But she could deal with that stuff. After all, she was smart. She had avoided death and had worked hard to make sure the plot was still intact. Whatever the universe threw at her, she could work around so long as she had time. So long as she had enough time, she could overcome any problem that came her way.

But being told that it wasn't an option?

She was going to be in goddamn USJ tomorrow.

She needed an out.

USJ being moved a day back was fine but now she was being told she was going to be there which could not happen under any circumstances.

Who knows what handy mandy might try to pull if he recognizes her? He had obviously been after her life today, who's to say he wouldn't pull the same stunt again the moment he saw her? Her being there was basically the same as waving around a giant death flag saying "mentor character right here homie". Just why couldn't anything go her way for once? Seriously, was that so fucking hard to ask for? It's not like she could avoid this either. Snipe had said Nezu's decision was final and she was positive she wouldn't be able to lie her way around him even if she tried. Lying to other people was one thing but Nezu was another. She couldn't just disappear either if she was going to be under surveillance the whole day. One way or another, her trying to make sure nothing went wrong at lunch had fucked her entire plan of remaining passive in this world. Dammit, she should have noticed how convenient it had been when she found the teacher's lounge and ran the other way!

No, calm down. USJ wasn't until tomorrow. She still had a night to develop some sort of plan for tomorrow when she got to her room. The teachers all seemed to be concerned about her health so she was sure they wouldn't try to disturb her or anything if she said she was exhausted. It wasn't exactly the most ideal situation, but it was what she was going to have to work with if she wanted to keep her knowledge intact. Plus, there was the chance that Shigarki wasn't going to appear. He was under the assumption this would still be happening today, right? But then again, this world always seemed to have the right excuses to maintain its level of drama. She doubted USJ was going to go swimmingly either way.

Her fist clenched as she looked down, a deep frown.

No matter what, she wasn't going to interfere with USJ whatever happened tomorrow.

Midoriya would surely understand afterward. He was an understanding person after all. She doubted he would hold it to her if she simply did nothing tomorrow and left it to the pro heroes. They were still kids after all. No normal person would willingly throw themselves into harm's way when pushed to their limits. They would do whatever it takes to survive. She could do this. Everyone was going to be fine. She just needed to push that to the forefront of her mind. Whatever happened tomorrow, everyone would live. The injuries would go away later on.

She could do this.

She needed to do this.

She had to.

So nothing bad would happen.

"-you alright?"

"Oh, um," she let out, snapping out of her thoughts. She gave a small smile, scratching her cheek. "Yes, quite. Sorry, I was just zoning out for a second there. What were you saying?"

He shook his head, glancing back at her. "Maybe you should stay in the nurse's office..." he muttered. "I wasn't going to say anything before since you seemed fine once you talked about it but maybe I was wrong."

"I'm perfectly fine sensei," the reincarnator quickly interjected. Her smile grew into more of a grimace as she forced a hand to her forehead, holding it. "I suppose I'm still a bit tired after everything that happened."

Since I've Been Given Another Chance, Let's Be Heroes | BNHA x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now