One Life

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A couple days had passed since the incident with Lila, and both Spencer and Y/N were so grateful that they were at least on speaking terms with each other, but things weren't the same. The tension was palpable; they spent time together watching television or eating dinner, but they both knew that something was off.

The entire team knew that something was going on with Spencer; they were under the impression that the two of you had gotten back together, but they weren't convinced that that was the whole story.

"Spencer, is something going on in your life that you'd like to talk about?" Emily asked on a dull Wednesday morning - it was solely a paperwork day so the entire unit was working and chatting and drinking coffee.

"No, I'm fine. How are you, Emily?" Spencer deflected, politely.

"Don't do that. Do not just change the subject. You know that you aren't acting as though you won the love of your life back. What's up?"

"I know..." Spencer sighed. "Things just aren't the same. I don't even know what we are. I thought that we were making up but..."

"But?" Emily prompted.

"But she's distant. She's so hesitant and careful with me. Like she doesn't trust me. And I guess I understand, I just wish that there was something I could do." Spencer admitted while looking down at his hands.

"There is something you can do, Reid. Give her time, and show her love. She was hurt, and the only way to thoroughly convince her is to just be there until she's ready. She will come around."

Spencer smiled genuinely at her as he thanked her.

After Emily walked away, JJ approached Spencer's desk and hoisted herself up on it.

"Hey JJ, do you need something?" Spencer asked, without looking up her.

"No, I was just coming over to say hi and ask if there was anything going on between you and Y/N."

"I thought you knew? We talked things out."

"Yeah, but there's more to that story, and I'd like to hear what it is," she replied with a smile.

So was this something he was going to have to deal with all day? "JJ, I'm fine. She just hasn't completely forgiven me yet."

"So what have you done?"

"What do you mean?" Spencer asked, with confusion clear on his face.

"Like what grand, extravagant gestures have you tried, and what's next?"

Spencer couldn't find the words quickly enough before Penelope, who was clearly eavesdropping, interrupted his thoughts.

"Oh my Gosh, you haven't done anything yet! No wonder she hasn't forgiven you! You haven't bought her flowers, or taken her out, or covered her apartment with rose petals, or anything have you?!"

"Well, I did buy her flowers the night she left, but she never got them because she was gone before I got home. We also have gone out for coffee and lunch or dinner on several occasions," Spencer responded.

"Okay Boy Genius that doesn't count because she never got them, and you haven't actually taken her out on the town; you got to have her get all dolled up and show her off, duh."

"It's okay, Spence, we will help you figure something out. But one thing I do know about her is she loves it when you call her cute little names. So do that a bit more than you used to," JJ said to him.

Spencer was slightly surprised. "She likes that? She told you that?"

JJ smiled at the handsome brunette, "Yes, she told me that she adores it." Spencer just smiled in return.

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