Isabella's POV :
I woke up early, i went to the bathroom washed my face and brushed my teeth like what my mother says.

I changed into my dress, it is to old I don't like it either but mom doesn't get me any when i ask her.

I made my dark black tall hair into a bun, i wore my brown lenses on my green eye. Yes, i wear brown lenses because of my green eye ,it is not just a green normal eye half of it is brown and my mother forces me to hide it, so, i do.
*It is reel, it is called iris eye search it on google:). a/n*
I put some powder on my skin to hide my freckles.

I went to the kitchen and make myself breakfast. Then i went to school.

After she came from school.

"I am back mom"

"I know now go clean Elithabes's house"
"But i am very tired today, yesterday I cleaned 2 big houses"
She grabbed an apple and went to Elithabes's house.

After she cleaned the house she went to the maids room in Elithabes's house because sleeping over as a maid.

She grabbed a book and went to the garden , she read some pages of the book. She closed it.

*Isabella is 11 year old girl works a maid in the king and the queen's house, they have a daughter and son. Her mother always treats her so bad and makes her work all day to take her money, she doesn't know how her how father looks like and she doesn't have siblings. Her mother always makes her hide her self for a reason that she doesn't know*

She went to the king house and went to the maids room.

She turned of her make up. But not her wig.

She went to sleep but one of the girls spoke "girls i cant sleep i am bored"
One of the girls speaks "me too" all of the girls agreed and they started sharing stories.
One of the girls said "i will tell you all a big secret but don't tell it to anyone else" "I heard that there is a missing princess, she is the daughter of the king and the queen, she is 11 her hair is dark black, she have freckles. The best part is here , she is special than other girls she have a green eye lined with a bold black line and half of her eye is brown. She is the only one in France and the whole world who looks like that , and she is so pretty" all the girls was shocked but Isabella started realizing something. That it is her.

She went to her house.
She went to her room and started thinking about it.
She grabbed her book and start reading but she can't stop thinking about it.

The next morning she grabbed an apple and went to the garden. Today is weekend, she went to the king's home.

At night she went to the PRIVATE LIBRARY that everyone is banned to enter it because it belongs to the king. Only the king and the queen allowed to enter it. They say it contains the books of legends and things about the other world.

She sneaked to the library and opened the lights, the library smelled wired, but she didn't care and start looking around the books until she found 'THE LEGENDS BOOK' she grabbed it and started reading.
There was a lots legends there, she read about all the legends there was only one legend left to read 'MAGICAL EYE LEGEND'
'This legend is the most dangerous legend , there will be one girl in the whole world will have green eye with a bold dark black line around it , and half of her eye will be brown. The green means a normal eye , the brown half means the legend and the black line around it means Power. The power of the owner of the eye is very strong, the girl who owns it can travel around ages , it can changes the look of the people. And if the eye at night looks brown means the girl is CURSED. This girl will be beautiful, she borns every 100.000.000 years, to turn off the curse you have to get the most dangerous book in the world 'THE BOOK OF THE CURSES' for here we are done.' She wondered how she can use her power, she looked for the curses book and after a while she found it. She start looking for the eye curse 'THE MOST DANGEROUS CURSE IN THE WORLD THE EYE CURSE'
'The green eye curse is the most dangerous curse in the world. To get your power and to turn off the curse you have to go to the other world. To go to the other world you have to have 3 hairs from the girl and get blood from the girl put them on a paper and write on it the girl name and her age, start calling EGYORSE until your legs start flying your nose start bleeding hard you mist die pt go to the other world without coming if EGYORSE want to stay here he must kill you or let you go. You have to get the book put on the middle of any table, put the paper on it the book around it put the girl blood and candles all around the book'
Isabella does everything the book said, she start calling EGYORSE .

Her legs start flying her nose start bleeding hard. she start calling his name louder, everything start darker she start hearing a girls screaming. she heard a man with a very deep voice laughing or a monster she opened her eyes she was in like a forest under her legs , she is flying without her control around the tall trees. She was around the clouds now. She started falling around random places she was falling in the forest then the forest turned into a road then the road turned into the space then the road turned into a black night road and she still falling , hearing deep voices laughing then she touched the ground everything turned black.

ISABELLA Where stories live. Discover now