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Downstairs pov
Lucy and keira walked back down the stairs without jess, everyone seemed to notice. Not once did lucy or keira make eye contact with janine, they were angry at her, not only for breaking jess's heart but for the way she did it. Everyone knows how much jess likes janine so they weren't quite sure why she would even think that knowing fine well the young canadian was head over heels for her.

They sat down in the group where everyone was.

"where's jess?"
steph asked

"she's upstairs, she's not feeling too good right now"
lucy said clearly lying but only leah, stanway, alex and janine knew she was.

"awh that's a shame. I hope she's feeling better soon, i haven't got a chance to talk to her all day"
ellen added

"yeah. Me either"
Most of the girls agreed that they haven't spoke to jess today. Janine kept looking at keira and lucy who just wouldn't acknowledge her. It was silent for a few minutes before leah stood up.

"i'm going to check on her"
She said. Lucy and keira nodded, janine sighed. Leah walked up the stairs.

End of pov
Im sat staring at the wall sobbing as tears are falling out of my face. This is the most i have cried in-front of my city girls before. I don't know what to do, there's nothing i can do, i feel empty like when janine left she took a part of me with her. My thoughts were cut off by the door flying open, it was quickly shut again as i saw leah come closer to me, she saw my face went with tears, she rushed over and pulled me into a hug kissing my cheek, she began rocking me back and forth, the room echoed with the sound of my sobs.

"jess, hey, what's going on?"

"she left me leah"

"who, who left you jess?"

"janine. She broke up with me"


"it doesn't matter. We are over leah, i love her so much. I need her in my life"

"you don't need anyone in your life. I know how much you loved being around her, you were glowing every time she said your name jess, i can't imagine the pain you are feeling right now. I know how a breakup feels but i don't know how it feels to you, you've been through more than a lot of people ever go through. I know how harsh this life has been on you but you're a fighter. Do you want to come down?"

"i love you williamson. I love you so much, not really but i'll come down so the girls don't suspect anything"

"i love you too jess, come on, you're so brave"

"carry me?"
i asked like a toddler. I don't have the energy walk. I feel so empty and i know i will be so unsociable down there. I know i will stare blankly at something or start crying. Leah didn't even answer me, she picked me up and carried me down the stairs, everyone looked at her and smiled as they saw me clutching onto the shoulder of her shirt making sure she doesn't drop me. Everyone smiled but her, but janine. Leah sat down and placed me on her knee. I turned around and looked at everyone but janine. I caught her looking at me a couple of time breaking my heart even more.

"let's play spin the bottle!"
georgia suggested emphatically

"no. I'm not playing"
i said. I don't want to play, what if i get janine? what if i don't?

"come on jess, are you too scared?"
georgia asked. I hate being called scared so i agreed to play as did everyone else.

Keira got lucy
Esme got jess (park)
Lauren got esme
Georgia got keira
Steph got ellen
ellen got steph
Alex got georgia

Janine spun the bottle, i watched as it spun past me a countless amount of times before it stopped on roebuck. I looked at them. I watched as janine smiled a little, they leaned in and kissed. They kissed, it wasn't a peck it was a kiss. Everyone looked at me, i looked down before turning my head letting a few tears fall with only leah and lucy noticing. Lucy grew even more angry at janine. I could see she was about to snap. I looked at her and mouthed 'it's okay'
she shook her head at me as roebuck spun, she landed on alex greenwood. I'm so glad i didn't need to watch that again.

I spun the bottle. I wasn't hoping for anyone, i didn't want janine because i don't want to face the embarrassment when she says no. I watched as it spun passing everyone, it began to slow down, it was inches away from janine but it stopped on....

Leah williamson

Leah smiled at me, i looked at janine who was staring at me and leah. Keira smiled at me and leah as leah leaned in, her soft lips touched mines. After a couple of seconds we pulled apart, she was smiling at me, i quickly smiled back before returning to my original state of staring blankly at the bottle.

Leah spun and got lucy and then the game was finished. I was walking over to talk to jess and esme when janine pulled me aside, lucy saw and was furious.

"what was that?"
she asked

"what was what? you kissed ellie, you seemed to enjoy it as well!"

"you and leah kissed. It wasn't a short one!"

"janine, you know fine well i love you so much. We kissed for two seconds you and roebuck didn't. Don't try and put the blame on me, i'm still trying to figure out why you ended things in the first place knowing fine well you make me happy and the reason i am so happy is because i'm with you" I felt more tears build up in my eyes.

"jess you're making this harder for both of us. I really do love you"
I walked away before i started crying again. I walked over to keira and hugged her tightly, all the girls were so confused as i wasn't acting like my normal self. They were confused but weren't sure what was going on, they couldn't put the pieces together.

Eventually everyone left. I was already in bed before they did, i was in the verge of tears so i said bye to everyone and hugged them all, not janine she wouldn't look at me. I ran up the stairs into bed. I broke down and i fell asleep just as i felt leah get in beside me. She put her arms around me and that's the last thing i remember.

I don't know how i'm going to do this. I really don't.

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