Forbidden Fruit

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As Tom comes back from the kitchen with a new bottle of wine, Alice gains some courage and decides it's her turn to ask the questions. "The other day you said I probably know a lot about you but I don't think that's true. Yes I've watched interviews and read things about you but that's not the same as getting to know someone on a personal level. I guess I would like to know more about your films and which was your favourite to make?" Tom looks shy all of a sudden "well I guess playing Loki for the first time was a whole new world opening up to me and working on the avengers films with the other actors was the most fun. But I struggle to choose one film above the rest. You tell me then which of my films is your favourite?" Alice isn't surprised by his answer he doesn't seem the type to like to talk about himself, she guesses that's what makes him so appealing. "Well in terms of marvel films Thor: Ragnarok is my favourite but Crimson Peak is my number one" Tom can't help but grin at her answer "not many people have said that one before but I have to say it's one I think I'm most proud of. Okay so enough about my films what's your favourite all time film?" Tom says with a cheeky smile knowing that's the hardest question. Alice concentrates for a minute before saying "actually I've always thought there are two different types of favourite film..." Tom laughs "oh you're just trying to get out of the question!" Alice gives him a cheeky smile back "I actually wasn't! If you let me explain, I think there's a favourite what I call a comfort film. That's a film you can watch over and over again in any mood. To me its any Disney film, dirty dancing and silly romcom's I watched as a teenager. But then there's a film that's stuck with you and even though you may not watch it a lot it's one you'll never forget. That's the hardest one to choose for me but little miss sunshine is one I will never forget" Tom listens intently to every word and Alice can't help but smile before she remembers to ask him "one thing I have heard is you're a big fan of the jungle book am I right?" His face lights up as she says it "yes! I love that film I make anyone who hasn't seen it watch it" he laughs. "Well I can't pretend I haven't seen it but it's been a while did you want to watch it now?" Alice is hopeful he will say yes as the wine is making her a bit sleepy. "Of course I'll go and grab it now wait here" he almost runs into the snug before coming out again and saying "actually it's warmer in here if you wanted to watch it somewhere more cosy"

Alice follows Tom into the snug library and notices he was right it's much warmer in here. Tom sets the film up as she gets comfortable on the much smaller sofa. When Tom sits down they both notice how close they are sat together but neither of them complain, the sofa is just about big enough for the both of them. "Are you warm enough?" He says before pulling a blanket out to cover them both. "This is very cosy thank you" Alice is suddenly nervous again but tries to focus on the film. She steals occasional glances at Tom unaware that when she's not looking he's doing the same thing. Tom looks over at Alice when he thinks it's safe but she looks back, both caught off guard but they hold eye contact, neither of them can tear themselves away. Their minds simultaneously wonder to forbidden possibilities but they realise they can never act on them.  The risks of this going wrong are too high, they would both lose something important to them, so they reluctantly focus their attention back on the film.

Alice doesn't remember the last part of the film she saw, only that she's now entering her bedroom, how am I walking? She wonders before realising she's not. She opens her eyes slightly to see Tom carrying her over to the bed, she doesn't dare let on that's she's awake but instead she stays perfectly still, letting him put her gently on the bed. Through a tiny gap in her eyelid, she allows herself to watch him. He goes over to the window and closes the curtains, then he leaves the room before returning with a glass of water, which he places gently on the bedside table. He looks at her, and she convinces herself he knows she's awake, but he doesn't stop looking. Eventually, he pulls the quilt over her making sure she's warm enough, he looks at her in a way she hasn't experienced in a long time. He reaches out to her face she tries not to react as he gently moves a piece of hair from her face, he smiles at her before turning the light out and leaving the room.

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