Expect the unexpected.

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"So what do you think that means?" Amy asks over breakfast the next morning. "I don't think it means anything really. He's a really attractive guy but he's not going to want anything to do with me, plus it would get in the way of my job I can't let that happen" Alice tries to brush it off as if she hasn't been thinking about it all night. She's made the decision that nothing will ever happen between them but it's still going to be weird going back to work tomorrow. "I'm hoping he didn't notice and we can just carry on as normal. I would hate for it to be awkward between us". Amy gives Alice a knowing look but can see she doesn't want to talk about it anymore "okay well I'm going shopping today and since you just got your pay check, I think you deserve to treat yourself". Alice's face brightens at the idea "yes let's do it I want to get my hair done". The girls have a great day shopping and pampering but the day goes fast and Alice can only think of seeing Tom again tomorrow.

"Good morning Alice, I'm glad you've wrapped up warm it's cold out there today" Tom says as he greets her in the kitchen the next morning. "Winter is making its presence known for sure" Alice replies taking off her hat and scarf. "Did you get your hair done?" Tom asks giving Alice a heart melting smile. She blushes and manages to stutter "uh..oh yes I did yesterday I went shopping with Amy. So I'll get started on my jobs today I know you've got meetings soon so I'll clean your office first if that's okay" she makes sure to change the conversation so she can get on with her job. "Yes of course I'll stay out until you're done" he takes his coffee to the sofa and turns on the tv. Alice gets through her cleaning and it's a welcome distraction from her over thinking and before she realises it her watch alarm is reminding her it's nearly time to go. As she makes her way quickly down the stairs past the office Tom flies out of his office at speed and the two collide in the hallway. "I'm so sorry Tom, I was in my own world I didn't hear you open the door" Alice looks up at Tom who looks stressed "Are you okay?" She asks, suddenly realising they are stood inches apart. "Oh yes I'm sorry the fault is entirely mine, I was just rushing out to see you actually. Have you seen outside?" He looks over to the living room gesturing for her to go and look. Alice walks into the room focused on the giant windows looking out onto the garden. Except, she can't see the luscious green she is used to, instead, thick snow covers the landscape like a fluffy blanket has been draped over everything. "Wow, how did this happen without me noticing" she says still staring in disbelief. "I thought the same I've been so engrossed in my meetings I didn't see it until it was too late otherwise I would have warned you sooner" Alice is confused for a second until she realises "Oh shit the trains are all going to be a nightmare getting home I'll have to get a taxi" she looks at her phone it's already 7pm " I already checked Uber and called a few taxi companies they don't have anything available. If you want to you can stay here you do have a bedroom and I can't let you go out in this" Alice looks up at him and can see the genuine concern for her welfare and she can't help but smile. "As long as you don't mind me crashing your evening plans I think it would be best for me to stay, but could I trouble you for something comfortable to change into and maybe a toothbrush?" she says turning to face him. "Of course it's okay, I'll find you some things now you call Amy and let her know what's happening"

"I was so worried you had already left I was going to phone you and tell you to stay there it's crazy out there!" Alice laughs at Amy's overreaction "it's just some snow" she replies. Tom knocks at her bedroom door "one sec Amy" she says to the phone while she answers the door "here I got you some things you might need, I'll meet you downstairs in a minute?" Tom says noticing the phone to her ear "yeah I'll just get changed and I'll be there" she closes the door and says goodbye to Amy. As she heads downstairs in a pair of toms pyjama bottoms which she's had to tie tighter and roll up to fit her and a cartoon Loki t-shirt, she smiles when she sees Tom deep in thought in the kitchen. "Hey, thanks for the pj's. You look so deep in thought" she says wanting to know what's going on in his mind. "Haha you're welcome you look great. Actually I was trying to decide if I thought you were more of a red or white wine person and then it crossed my mind you might like Rose or not even like wine at all" Alice can tell he's rambling and it's adorable. "I like any wine to be honest but I fancy red tonight if that's okay with you". Tom nods and fetches the wine out of the rack while Alice gets glasses out of the cupboard. "Here you pour and I'll get dinner served up" he says getting to work on serving the meal. As they sit down at the table, Alice realises he's probably going to ask more questions about her past, so she makes a mental note to have more wine before that starts. "It's nice to have somebody to eat with actually" Tom breaks the silence "I know it sounds sad but I've got used to eating alone for a while you don't realise how nice company is until you have it again" he smiles at Alice and she looks down at herself laughing "even if they are in your pyjamas and a Loki t-shirt" they both laugh and Alice notices Tom has got changed into jogging bottoms and a t-shirt as well. How does this man look good in everything? she thinks to herself. Tom clears away the plates and they take their glasses to the sofa. Bobby takes the opportunity to curl up on Alice's lap again and she notices the look of love Tom gives him as he falls asleep. "So how are you enjoying the job? Are you missing Liverpool at all?" He asks as Alice takes a minute to consider her answer "I love the job it's perfect and it helps that you're so easy to get along with. But, it just occurred to me that I hadn't really thought about missing Liverpool. I love the city but there are so many things I left there that I could never go back to so it puts a stain on my feelings about it." Tom can tell Alice is deep in thought about her past and he's curious about what happened there "you mentioned the other day about your job ruining so many things, and if you don't want to talk about it I will understand, but I have a huge interest in people and I would love to know how things in your life have affected where you are today" Alice smiles because she knows they share the same interest in people and if the shoe was on the other foot she would ask. "Well I suppose the main one was my relationship. We met when I was studying and we were together for over 5 years. It was perfect really we were best friends, we brought a house, got a dog, got engaged and planned a wedding, we loved each other. But as my work took more and more of my time he became possessive of my spare time and I suppose I felt suffocated by both him and my work. My whole world came crashing down when I found messages on his phone from other women. I confronted him about them and he told me everything, how he had been sleeping with other women for over a year and that it was my fault for neglecting him. I quit my job in an effort to repair the relationship but I realised the problems were deeper then a job, we had lost all the trust and fun we had before" Alice has to stop talking to try and stop herself from crying and when she looks up at Tom she sees sadness in his eyes but also a hint of anger. "I want you to know something Alice. None of his actions were your fault. Despite everything, you didn't make him go out and cheat if he was unhappy he should have ended it first not made you feel this way. It makes me so angry when men blame women for their own mistakes" Alice can sense the anger rising in him but he still displays it with grace and maturity, she's never seen anything like it. "I've made my peace with it now" she eventually says "we clearly had issues and time pushed us apart. That's why I'm so glad to have this job and a chance of a fresh start in a new city. We had so many friends and family in Liverpool the thought of going back and seeing any of them would be too hard right now, but maybe one day. I guess the lesson I learnt is you can think your life can only move in one direction but then it throws you a curveball and you can either adapt or fall apart" she smiles at Tom and he says "always expect the unexpected". "Now has that answered your question" Alice asks feeling glad to have got it out in the open. "Yes and I was right" Tom says with a cheeky smile "there is much more to you then I ever expected" they hold eye contact again but it's broken quickly as Tom jumps up "more wine?" He asks already heading to the kitchen.

The House Sitter Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon