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We'll be reacting to the royals and honorary members...plus a bit of z*ke

"Ha. I guess I'm even above honorary members" z*ke said with is usual smug expression.

Shut up so we begin. Xe said while glaring at z*ke.

The first royal up is...Blyke!!

"Blyke is a royal now?" Isen asked.


"Congrats Blyke!" Remi said followed by many others saying the same.

"G-guys" Blyke said turning redder than a cherry.

Okay,okay can we start now?

"Uh yeah sorry"Blyke said.


Video ends

"Blyke looks the same as always" Isen said rolling his eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean??" He said clearly pissed off.

"Nothing." Isen sarcastically said.


The both of them shut up.

"Good." She said feeling proud of herself.

video starts


"Who would want to be friends with a cripple anyways" A random mid tier asked while chuckling as others joined in.

"tsk" John said under his breath.


This caught their attention

They met their eyes with the Ace of Wellston, Seraphina.

"O-oh uhm I-I didn't mean you I just..." He trailed off.

Seraphina gave him a death stare then looked back at the screen.

"Phew" He let out a sigh of relief.


'That glare is scary.' Elaine thought.

Video ends

Ok We're going to be reacting to something a little different... 

"What do you mean?" Arlo asked.

Just watch and you'll see.

Video ends

"Why was Blyke in that weird outfit?" Isen asked.

"Yeah,I thought I was the only one who saw it." Remi said.

You'll find out after this video.

Video ends

'Wow I looked really strong in that video' Blyke thought.

"Um Xe?" Arlo said which caught Xe's attention.

Yes Ass-Arlo. Xe said with a little snicker.

Arlo glared for a second the continued with his question.

"Is Blyke a vigilante?" Arlo asked not wanting to believe it.

Ding ding ding get this man a medal.

Many students gasped at this.

"Wha-But why?" Remi asked clearly worried about her 'friend'.

He did this to become stronger to protect the people he cares about.

"But why'd he go alone? What if ember catches him?" Remi asked again.

Actually he wasn't always alone.

"Who came with me then?" Blyke asked eager to find out.

That's for me to know and you to find out.

"Ugh okay fine." Blyke said as he rolled his eyes.

Anyways this is the last edit for Blyke the we'll move onto Remi and an honorary member.

"Blyke you looked really cool" Remi complimented.

"Th-Thanks Remi." Blyke said looking away.

"Yeah dude."Isen also said while getting in between them.

"Ugh" Said Blyke.

"What's wrong?" Isen asked innocently.

"Nothing." Blyke replied glaring at Isen.

The students( except for Asslo and Cecile cause they're buzzkills(¬_¬ ) )laughed at this.

Anyways Remi's turn.

(A/N): K so here's the first partt sorry if it took kinda long and i hope you enjoyed it.

Unordinary reactsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora