Annual tea party

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(T)  welcome everyone today is our annual tea party were so happy to have all of you here, be sure to come next weekend for our school dance

(K)  wear your fanciest of clothing and be sure to bring a date or you’ll have one of us host members accompany you to this dance

*women cheering*

(H) *walks over* hey guys

(T) haruhi

(Hh) I though you weren’t coming back

(H) I’m still deciding on it

(Kh) so why not just stay?

(H) I don’t really know guys

(T) haruhi I’m still very sorry about what my father kept doing

(H) it’s ok guys

(Ho) haruhi let’s go get some tea

(H) I’m coming *walking around with honey*

(T) do you think she still wants to quit?

(K) I don’t really know tamaki, but if haruhi wants to quit it’s her decision not our choice I convinced her enough to stay before she was leaving on parent night

(T) then will jest keep her happy and hopefully our fathers won’t do this again

(K) I hope not

(T)  ladies we have our finest tea with each club members color

(K) please enjoy

(T) I'll let you have some of this delicious red rose tea my lady

(K) enjoy some lavender tea ladies

(H) my tea is represented by the lily flower

(Ri) haruhi you know we don't have a tea or color for this group

(H) yeah they didn't really assign one for you two

(A) it's fine

(Ri) we both dont really like tea that much

(H) well we do have cup cakes if you'd like any of those

(A) yes I'd definitely love one

(Ri) here fujioka *hands haruhi purple frosted cupcake*

(H) thank you kasandoa maybe black could be your color and dark green could be your color arai

(A) that works out

(K) you all having fun over by the treats

(H) yes we are, would you like one?

(K) yes the white vanilla one

(H) here you go *hands kyoya cupcake*

(T) they are holding eachothers club color

(Hh) well they do like eachother but never got to the point of asking one another out

(H) your a messy boy

(K) what do you mean by that?

(H) *wipes frosting off of kyoyas cheek*

(K) oh thank you *pokes haruhis nose with frosting on finger*

(H) hey

(K) *laughing* anyone can have fun with cupcakes

(H) yeah

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