Chapter Nineteen

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Jason watched as Valentino walked away. The pain was intense and he wished it to go away. He turned around and made his way slowly towards the river as he thought of his current situation. One mate who hadn't felt the bond strongly enough to leave his husband should have been enough warning for him. He always questioned why Alvin never returned to him, thinking he just didn't want to break up the happy family facade he had going on with Valentino but after all these years,it should have been obvious. Maybe humans felt the bond less and could completely ignore it.

But still...

"I should just go" he thought bitterly. If none of them felt the bond, Jason wasn't going to fight it. He would let them both go.

"What troubles you blood sucker? " a voice snapped the Vampire out of his thoughts, whirling around to find a beautiful woman with stunning hazel eyes, long curly dark hair and a cloak wrapped around her. Jason was Straight up gay,but he would tap that any day. She was a stunning woman. The type that knew her worth and the power she welded over others. And speaking of power. Jason felt it, it was subtle but fierce. She emitted an aura of pure dark energy. Jason was quit powerful himself having been turned by Silas, an original vampire who headed the European clan. However this woman posed so much dark energy Jason involuntary took a step back. The woman chuckled and was in front of him in the brink of an eye. Jason flinched when the woman leaned into him slightly sniffing him, he didn't understand why considering she wasn't a shifter but could somehow manage it.

"Your fear is showing young one, And you reek of him..." She taunted,her eyes trained on him with intensity. Jason saw amusement and and a hatred in those eyes of hers it had him wondering who she was. For some reason, Jason couldn't shake off the feeling that he had met her before. Okay, maybe not but she was so familiar, like he knew her but just couldn't pin point were he had seen her before.

"Who are you? " He asked furrowing his brows. Jason hated intimidation and he wasn't going to let her mind fuck him. He narrowed his eyes at her, daring her.

"If you knew what was good for you, you wouldn't have come here bloodsucker. Don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong, this is not your battle. Take your kind and leave these lands...or suffer my wrath"

"I have a family here, I'm not leaving them here when this place is crowded with the likes of you." he growled showing his fangs.

"Then suffer you will" Jason didn't see it coming, then again he didn't see Xander coming earlier, clearly he was getting sloppy. His lungs felt like they were on fire. Like someone was literally burning him from the inside out. His body felt immobilized, he wanted to crawl out his neck but couldn't move. The burning was so intense that he choked from the inside out, he felt his life essence slipping out of him. Bile rose from his intestines as the fire intensified. His eyes rolling in the back of his head as his knees gave out and he fell to the ground unconscious if not dead.


The Donna followed a familiar path to the river, he remembered the first time he had come to Canada with Valentino and Alexander. It was around the same time Xander had shifted. He recalled when they played in the water and saw the wolves, the actual wolves not humans who turned into wolves. Xan had been mesmerized by the creatures who growled at him aggressively like they could sense his inner animal. It was a funny yet freighting experience, especially when Xan, had unconsciously shifted in front of the animals scaring the shit out of them.

Alvin snorted,chuckling lightly to himself at the fond memory. He was so far into the forest lands he hadn't realized he was approaching the water bed. But then he stopped, his instincts telling him that something was wrong. If they was one thing Alvin never ignored were his instincts. His subconscious mind had saved his ass more times than he cared to admit during his active days.

Alvin scanned the area, the feeling of unease seemingly getting stronger as he stood, he tuned his ears to hear anything out of the ordinary but only the chirping of the birds and blowing wind could be heard. But the feeling still remained. Alvin took a step then another and eventually picked his paced as his heart raced with worry.

At first he saw only a cloaked figure standing while her mouth moved slightly. But then his gaze fell over the body she stood over and his blood run cold as he raced to Jason's side, pushing the unsuspecting woman to the side. Jason's skin was a turning into a horrible grey, which was saying a lot considering Jason was black. His mouth had black blood pouring out from the sides, he wasn't moving and it was had to tell with his already dead heart if he was alive. Alvin pushed every memory from the past that tried to resurface In that moment and attended to the Vampire. He knew if he let his bubbling feelings come forth he would likely lose his mind. So he focused on the man that needed him and pushed him to his side so as not to choke on the blood. Alvin completely forgetting the lady that stood with her head tilted to the side as she studied him like a bacteria under a microscope.

Riley stood and looked at the man that had pushed her and stopped her from killing the youngling. Just by looking at him, she knew who he was and what he meant to her. This was the person that did her job for her, the man that natured and loved the child she abandoned.

Riley laughed out loud, the humor of the situation couldn't be helped. The man finally looked at her, grey on hazel as the two starred each other down.

"I'm going to enjoy killing you. Your death will be so slow and painful, for every moment you're here I'm going to kill a wolf from his pack. I'm going to drive him to insanity through you. You, are in his heart and I'm going to use the love he has for you against him."

"what are you talking about,who are you and what did you do to him? " Alvin frowned standing to glare down the woman as he pointed down to the Vampire. For some reason she rubbed him the wrong way. Everything about her was just wrong. Like something wasn't right with her. Alvin knew she was most likely not a normal human, her aura was just... Weird. But her eyes were familiar, he didn't know her but again he felt somehow he did.

"I'm your worst nightmare human! " She spat at the term as though it was poison to her. Her hand waving as though swatting an annoying fly. When nothing happened, Riley frowned, her intentions were to fling the human into the nearby trees but nothing. She did it a few times but still nothing. When she realized her powers weren't working on the man she moved to shove him angrily against the chest. Alvin frowned gripping the woman's hands to prevent her from repeating the same action, she screamed bloody murder at the contact from the human. Where the human touched her, the skin burned as literal fire seemed to melt off her skin. She pulled her hands away screaming at the agonizing pain then vanishing into thin air.

Alvin blinked once or twice as the fact that a person just disappeared into thin air right in from of him. Then he looked down at his hands wondering what just happened. He felt it when the woman's skin burnt at his touch.

He shook his head,thinking of when his son put some kind of barrier on them. Alvin turned back to the Vampire dismissing his experience and the weird shit that happened, he needed to concentrate on Jason.

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