Research. The crucial part of any project

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"So, did you find anything?"Jane asked sitting down next to me in the class.

"Found what?" I asked.

"You know, about werewolves. " She whispered the word 'werewolves'.

"Sorry, I've been busy" I didn't lie. My new roommate was supposed to show up soon, so I needed to make space for him and clean up a bit.

" Ryan, you promised." She sounded disappointed.

"I know, I know, I'll do it today."

"If you don't want to do it, I'm not gonna force you."

"No, it's fine, I already looked for books in the library, but hadn't time to read them."

"Oh, cool, we could look at them together." She suggested.

"Sure, when are you free?"

"How about tonight?"

"Sure, but it's Friday night, aren't you going anywhere?"

"No, after last week I tend to stay home, I don't wanna say I'm scared but I am."

"Oh," I didn't know what to say.

"But my roommate is going to be out, so we'll have all dorm for ourselves."

"Great, I'll come after the lectures, I'm just gonna run to grab the books and come to you is that ok?"

"Yeah, perfect, see you then." She stood up to leave.

"Aren't you staying for the lecture?"

"Nah, I hate this class, it's super boring." can't argue with that.

"Have fun then," I said as Jane left.


 When I came back to the dorms there already were boxes in my room. Oh yeah, the new roommate. I couldn't say I'm surprised, I knew he was coming, but I could feel that anxiety ball forming in the pit of my stomach. I only could hope that my new roommate is a nice person. I didn't want to spend the next two years with someone I didn't like.

I looked around, looking for my roommate, but he wasn't anywhere to be seen. I didn't know where to put myself, so I just stood in the middle of the room. God, this is going to be so awkward. What do I even say to him?

Suddenly I heard the creak of the door and that made me turn around. A tall man caring a box walked in. And when I say tall, I mean TALL. I never was self-conscious about my height, but seeing this man in front of me, made me feel small.

"Oh hey, you must be Ryan. you weren't back so I just let myself in." He put the box down. His voice was raspy and a little tired but somehow still cheerful." My name's Alexander, but you can call me Alex."

"Nice to meet you. My name's Ryan, but you already knew that" I shook his hand and smiled weakly. I had to tilt my head up to look at this man's face. god, he is freakingly tall.

"Sorry for the mess, I didn't realize how much stuff I had before I started to pack it all."He said looking around." I'll clean everything up soon, don't worry."

"it's fine. I don't think you can make this place messier than it already is. by the way, is there anything could help you with?"I asked to be polite, I didn't have time to help him.

"no, no, I'm all good."He smiled. and I had to admit this guy had a very welcoming smile. I smiled back and stared at him a little too long to be comfortable. But I snapped back and turned around.

"ok, great, I need to leave for some time, so you just make yourself at home."

Alex nodded and smiled. he didn't seem like a very talkative guy. maybe we will get along after all. I smiled again and grabbed the books I found at the library and my laptop. he seems like a nice guy. Must be a real lady killer, but I don't need to think about that.


"You finally here, "Jane said opening the door.

"Sorry, my new roommate just moved in," I said.

"Cool, don't care, come in." She stepped out of the way so I could walk past her.

"Of course you don't," I muttered under my breath as we sat down on a small couch in the corner of the room.

"Did you say something?"

"No no, nothing," I said looking around a room. Her dorm was way nicer than mine. it was more cosier and had warm colour to it, there were posters on the walls and cute plushies everywhere. " Better tell me about than night again. With more details." I said to interrupt the silence. 

"I already told you everything."

"To be honest I wasn't really listening to you back then."

"Oh my god, okay I'll tell you again, but promise you'll listen this time." She didn't seem too mad about it. Maybe she just wanted to talk about it again, she seems to like talking.

"Pinky promise."

"Okay, so as I told you, there was a party. You know, in that abandoned building in the forest. We often go there, so this wasn't something new. But that night I drank a little too much so I thought I would go outside, clear my head."

"So you were drunk," I stated.

"Goddammit, Ryan, that not the point. Just listen. I knew the area pretty well, so I wasn't afraid to roam around a little bit furder from the house."

"And let my guess, you saw a dog."

"No, it wasn't a dog, it was so much bigger and looked like a wolf, but more humanoid, but not like in the movies, he was more...more real, I guess, he was real."

"Okay, let's assume that's true, so what happened next?"

"I guess he saw me first, because he was frozen in place and just stared at me and then I froze and stared at him. He didn't seem angry, but it was too dark to see anything else."

"Okay, so it was dark, how can you be sure what you saw was real?"

"It was real, I know that because that thing after staring at me nodded, do you hear me? He nodded, like a human being and then he just walked away."

"What?" I laughed."You know how it sounds, right?"

"I know, but that's why I believe that's a werewolf because he acted like a human."

"So you're convinced that it was a human."

"Yeah, not only that but I believe it was a student, who else could it be. The closes town is two hours away"

"So we are seriously looking for a person, we're going werewolf hunting?"

"Yeah, I guess, I can't sleep until I found him."

"You know if this was a horror movie you would be first to die."

"Oh yeah? And what would you be then?"

"I'm the final girl, baby" I laughed."There's, no way I'm dying, I know too much."

"Sure, I let you believe that. Now show me the books you brought."

"Okay, so I have this place history and legends, I thought if this thing lives here for a while then there would be something here."

"That's smart."

"And we could look online to find some old newspapers and articles about your guy."

"We should also look up a new student list," She mentioned.

"So we are looking for a real person."

"Yeah, I have a hunch."

"Sure you do." I sighed.

Can we accuse a real person of being a werewolf?

Are we going to find anything?

And what if this thing isn't as friendly as we thought?

God, I can't believe I'm doing this. I thought looking up the student list.

The cursed wolf ✔(unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now