"We should have stayed on the bus." Peter sighed as the compartment thing closed on us.


We made it to a place and saw dad and a cape? We went up to him and he looked at us with wide eyes.

"We we're gonna go home!" Me and Peter said at the same time.

"But you're here!" Tony said angrily. We argued for about five minutes until Tony sighed in defeat.

"Okay we need to help Strange. Got any ideas?" He said. I looked down to see Strange surrounded with glass things? 

"Okay have you seen the movie called Aliens?" Peter asked. Me and Tony shook our heads. He told us the idea and my dad went down first. He was chatting with the creature for awhile until me and Peter got the signal. We nodded and went down. We fought off the creature and we did it. Well that was easy. Bye Squidward!

"Well that was easy." I wiped my forehead and sighed.

"Y/N I told you not to come here but you disrespected me!" Tony started. I rolled my eyes and faced him. Here we go again.

"If me and Peter weren't here, Strange would have died! Who knows maybe you could have died too and you know I could never live without you dad! Understand for once please! I don't want to argue again. You even promised me I could come on missions!" I sighed. He looked at me with sad eyes and hugged me. 

"Peter come here." Tony said. He opened his hands and we did a mini group hug.


We just finished doing another job. Peter's hand was stuck in a metal part so we had to struggle for about five minutes to get him out of it.

"Guys I think someone's here." Strange said. I looked around and saw three people heading towards us.

"Get ready." I said. They nodded and we fought. There was a guy who looked so muscular but his body was grey and red marks covered him. There was woman who looked like an insect and a guy with a mask on. He came towards me with the gun in his hand. I covered myself but looked up to see bubbles coming out of it.

"What the fuck is that?" I asked. He ignored the question and started to choke me, but Peter pushed him off and knocked him to the ground. Soon it was the guy in the mask choking Peter, me tied around a pole, Tony using his electric gun towards the grey guy and the woman was trapped in Peter's spider webs. The guy took off his mask and aimed the gun at Tony.

"I'm gonna ask you this one time, where is Gamora?" He said. I looked at him weirdly and looked at my dad in confusion. 

"Yeah I'll do you one better, who's Gamora?" Tony said. I rolled my eyes.

"I'll do you one better, WHY IS GAMORA!" The grey guy said. 'What the hell' I thought.

"Tell me where my girl is, or I swear to you I'm gonna French fry this little freak." The guy with the gun said.

"How can you French fry him when your gun just shoots bubbles idiot!" I said. I heard Strange laugh a little.

"Let's do it! You shoot my guy and I'll blast him, let's go." Tony said and started his electric gun. 

"Do it Quill! I can take it." The grey guy said. So his name is Quill huh? Quill like paper and quill? Okay shut up Y/N, you're in a serious situation, no time to think of stupid stuff.

"No he can't take it!" The insect woman said. 

"She's right, he can't." Strange said. 

"Oh yeah, you don't wanna tell me where she is? That's fine, I'll kill all three of you and I'll beat it out of Thanos myself, starting with you!" Quill said. What the hell is he talking about?

"What down? Okay let me ask you this one time, what master do you serve?" Strange asked. 

"What master do I serve? What am I suppose to say? Jesus?" Quill said. I rolled my eyes and looked back at him with a glare. 

"You're from Earth." Tony said. I nodded.

"Not from Earth, I'm from Missouri." Quill said. 

"Yeah that's on Earth dipshit." Me and Tony said at the same time.

"What are you hassling us for?" Tony said clearly annoyed.

"So you're not with Thanos?" Peter asked.

"With Thanos? No! I'm here to kill Thanos, he took my girl. Wait who are you?" Quill said. Peter opened his mask and sighed.

"We're the Avengers man." He said. I smiled a little and got out of the rope. 

"You're the one, Thor told us about!" The woman said. I looked at her weirdly.

"You know Thor?" Tony said.

"Yeah, tall guy not that good-looking, needed saving." Quill said. Me and Peter gave him a weird look and looked at each other with confusion.

------- ...

"Dear Peter Parker, do you have a map? Because I just keep on getting lost in your eyes."


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