Chapter 8: Shopping

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Hahahaha guess what bitches i'm back, i did not forget about you. Enjoy the chapter my people. 


Remus was immensely glad that Sirius and Severus were getting along now, seeing them cuddled up on the sofa (ignoring their homework might he add) was absolutely adorable.

Ever since they'd gotten back from the lake Sirius had been a lot more attached to Severus than he was before, even favouring him over James and Remus. This offended James quite a bit, Remus was not particularly bothered in fact he thought it was quite sweet.

Remus was shaken from his thoughts by an owl flying through the living room (how the bird got in was a mystery). It dropped a letter into Remus's lap before promptly flying off again.

"What is that?" asked Sirius

"It's a letter Padfoot" James smirked

"Shut up James, i meant what does it say"

Remus opened the letter "It's from McGonagall, she's given us permission to go to Hogsmead to get some stuff for Severus and ourselves. She even sent money"

"Cool! Can we go now?"

"Sure, Sirius wake Severus up and i'll go get some stuff for the trip"

"Well what am i supposed to do" James pouted

"Stand there and look pretty" Sirius grinned as he started to shake Severus's shoulder to wake him up "Oh Sevveeey, Time to wake uuup"

"Nu" Severus said, turning over in his blankets

"Come on, we get to go shopping today! Please Sev" Sirius whined

"Fine" Severus flopped into Sirius's arms and didn't make a move to go anywhere else

"That did not help, at all" James said as picked the giggling little out of his equally hysterical caregiver's arms.

@@time skip@@

The store was impressively large for a shop located in Diagon alley. Every wall was covered in obnoxiously bright coloured pictures that made Severus's eyes ache as he held onto Remus's hand the tiniest bit tighter. He didn't seem to notice though.

"Right, me and Sirius are going to go look for the boring stuff on our list, and you and James can go look at the toys if you'd like!" Remus smiled at him before he dragged Sirius off to a random aisle.

"Soooo, we should go find those toys then" Severus didn't respond to James but he still followed the other boy to the back of the store. He couldn't remember the last time he had had toys. It must've been a very long time ago or perhaps even never...

The entirety of the wall at the back of the store was filled to the brim with toys, settled neatly on the shelves. There were all kinds of toys in front of him, legos, dolls, stuffed animals and many many more. However Severus made no move to get closer to them, James did though.

Severus didn't dare walk with him though not while people were watching (they really weren't) even if they were just other littles and caregivers.

"Come on, Severus! Look at how cool all this stuff is, and they even have lion stuffies!" James held the fluffy lion up to his face with his classic mischievous grin plastered on his face. Severus only rolled his eyes at James's stupidness.

"We are not getting that."

"Well then what are we getting then? Come on you pick something better than this, just try"

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