Intro - Things you might want to know :D

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Before I address anything else, I'd like to credit the amazing artist pending_url on twitter for the thumbnail!! I would've drawn my own thumbnail but i was too lazy to lmao and since i found this the other day i just- used it bc its so pretty-

so as i was going to say, heyo! hru? hope you're doing good haha. and uhh if you're not, i hope you feel better soon!! maybe get some water n eat something sweet to lift your mood :] /g

anyhow, this is just a chapter dedicated to me introducing myself as the author, n giving yall a bit of info on the story/how i write! i feel like i write in a pretty traditional way, using " " to indicate when a character is talking, and using ' ' or italics to indicate thoughts. I usually write in 3rd person as I feel like it gives me more liberty when it comes to descriptions (overly detailed descriptions my beloved)

I tend to name the person talking before or after they speak to avoid any confusion in dialogues, and I realize it may get repetitive to hear 20 different nicknames for Venti in one chapter but I think it might be best since I personally find it a bit annoying when I'm not sure who's saying what,, I mean occasionally I'll skip that and just separate different people's lines like so:

"The sun's shining quite brightly today! Isn't it a beautiful day, Xiao?"

"...Can we please find some shade..?"

Because I feel it's pretty clear who's saying what. sjsk yeah that was probably boring to read haha,, aNyWaYS-

The main setting for this fic is a sort of idealized "cannon" genshin timeline, not a modern au just. cannon ish. uH i might do a few modern au chapters randomly for like, texting convos n stuff, mostly for comedic purposes- ill be sure to note if its modern au before the chapter starts, but otherwise its just. yeah. idealized "cannon" timeline but xiaoven yknow <3

i say "cannon" with " " because when i started writing this i threw cannon out the window and i only just realised and im too lazy to rewrite it so yEaH,, bear with me please, im stupid i know

another quick note, this might get a bit fruity n stuff ig?? but like its gonna stay 'kid friendly' so dw about smut or that sort of stuff if it makes you uncomfy,, like really the most it might get to is like those movie scenes where there's a dark bedroom and two bouncy silhouettes and i srsly doubt i'll even go that far lmao

i mean there might be some dark jokes because my humour's just like that at times but yeah you get the point, this isnt going to be like. weird-

anyhow i think that pretty much sums everything up! wAIt one more thing ssjsk i might include other ships in the sidelines bc why not lol,, im thinking of having yantao, chili, chongqiu, beidou x ningguang, kaebedo n maybe a few others in the bg but like. not sure yet so please tell me if yall are good w/ those or if yall want other ships in the bg n i might add them :]

yeahhh so onto the story!! i wont bore yall w anymore useless text but if yall still have any questions just uh ask here ig haha

EDIT: hII so like i deleted the first three chapters i wrote because they were pure cringe,, bUT im rebooting this n there's more info in the next chapter :D

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