"Luce, help me. I don't know what's wrong with me," END acted like he was sad and forced tears to form. She automatically rushed to his side an engulfed him in a hug. "Please Lucy, I don't know why this is happening."

"It's okay Natsu. When did this start? Do you have any clue about what is going on?" Lucy falled for END's act.

Foolish girl. You trust him to easily. How has he not realized your feeling for him? END laughed in his head. Though, he was confused. Usually Natsu would be bursting out right now, but END didn't sense him at all.

"Since I was training, I've been hiding it because I didn't want you to see me like this. I was scared, scared I would loose you; scared of you fearing me," END acted out while fake tears ran down his cheeks.

"You will never loose me Natsu. I'm here for you, forever," Lucy soothed. She continued to say soft words to END as he "calmed down". His eyes returned to the black onyx color they were and his claws had gone away. The rain caused by Juvia, had been at ease for about an hour. But, it had begun again and was pouring a vicious amount of water.

"Dammit," END cursed. "Lucy, can we just stay in a hotel tonight? I'm not up for filling Juvia's home with even more sadness."

"Sure Natsu," Lucy smiled. They ran to the hotel nearby and got the cheapest room. When they got into it, Lucy automatically freaked out.

"T-there's only one bed! I'll go ask if we can get another room and don't worry, I will pay for the extra money," Lucy said while blushing.

How cute. END thought.

"Lucy, it's fine. We can share a bed, I won't do anything. And if it really bothers you, I'll sleep on the floor," END said.

"N-no! I can't ask you to sleep on the floor!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Then, we'll share the bed. It's fine," END said casually. He tugged off his shirt and walked to the bed. "Now I'm tired."

Why is Natsu being so quiet? Everything I've been doing should be sure to have set him off. What is he doing? END thought as he lay in bed. Lucy cautiously slipped in beside him. END saw that she was secretly staring at him with eyes full of love. END then got an idea and turned to Lucy, his eyes slowly scanning her face.

"Luce, let me just try this once," he mumbled. Lucy looked at him confused. Then, he brought his face to her's and kissed her. END smiled as he kissed her.

This should furiate Natsu enough for him to respond. END thought viciously in his head. See this Natsu? I'm kissing your girl!

"Natsu, what are you doing?!" Lucy asked, her face redder than a tomato.

"I'm sorry Lucy, it's just I like you a lot......" END acted shy.

"N-natsu," Lucy whispered.

"I'm sorry," END mumbled. Then, Lucy grabbed his face and kissed him. Their kiss began to deepen from more than just a small kiss and Natsu had still yet to say anything. END's hands began to travel down Lucy's body when they pushed her away, not in his control.

"Lucy! Run, run away from me!" Natsu had broke through and exclaimed while he had the chance.

Why you little brat! Stop it now! END yelled.

"Natsu?" Lucy asked startled.

"Lucy! You're not safe! The person you've been with, it's not me! It's END!! You have to get away! He's plotting something! He's doing this for Zeref!" Natsu exclaimed urgently. END was fighting back at it wasn't much longer before END is in control again.

"What is going on?!" Lucy was still confused but she had gotten out of the bed and was backing up towards the door.

"Look, I'll prove it!" Natsu yelled and pulled off the bandages. There lay a Tartaros guild mark and black marks on Natsu's arm.

"T-that mark," Lucy stuttered in terror.

"Luce.... you have to go. He will kill you...... leave me," Natsu's voiced was strained now. Then he let out a loud, pain filled scream. Horns had formed on his head, black marks covered his body, and the red eyes and claws from before were back.

"God damn you Natsu!" END roared as Lucy ran out the door in horror.

You do understands that I'll have to kill her now. END said evily to Natsu.

They'll beat you. I'll beat you for fucks sake! I will make sure you don't lay a hand on her! Natsu exclaimed.

Watch me. END challenged and walked out the door. Now where is that girl?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2015 ⏰

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