The next morning she showers her hair and drys it and now looking in the mirror her hair color is the exact same shade of silvery blue as her brothers. Then she puts on a binder that she has taken with her and put on a white hoodie with blue jeans. She also takes out one of the boxes in her suitcase and opens it. And as it turns out inside are many different colored contact lenses all in different colors. These lenses are special because you can have them on as long as you want and even sleep with them without damaging your eyes. She puts on the lenses that look just like her brother's eye color and now her disguise is complete. She takes her brother's phone and bank card and walks out of her room. She walks towards the kitchen where her mother is cooking breakfast.

Lan Yue: "Mom, what do you think do I look like brother?"

Lan Xue turns around and looks at her stunned. After all, if she did not know better she would think that she is Lan Fu in the flesh. Causing her to be a bit teary-eyed as she remembers her missing son.

Lan Yue: " Ah, don't worry mother, I am sure brother is fine. Even if he isn't I will find him"

She says and hugs her mother to console her.

Lan Xue:" I am sorry it is just you look exactly like him... "

She stammers.

Lan Yue:" You don't have to apologize for anything, you did not do anything wrong. Try to gain a little bit of confidence. That way you can be a little happier."

She says as the hug ends.

Lan Xue: " Oh my, it almost feels like that you are the mother."

Lan Xue laughs lightly and Lan Yue smiles back at her with soft eyes. After that the food is ready and they eat.

Lan Yue: " Mom, I have decided to go out today to familiarize myself with the city. Oh, and I will also buy some chili and ginger lollipops."

Lan Xue:" Oh then I will give you some money."

Lan Yue:" No need, I will just use brother's card." 

She says and then she says her goodbye and walks out. The first thing she goes to is a convenience store to buy a mask to hide her face. In case someone recognizes her. After all, she did not want to bump into one of her brother's associates yet. So she put it on and then moved her hair to cover her eyes. This is a look that would make anyone look shady. But who is Lan Yue? Even in this shabby look, she looks extremely handsome and suave. Many girls look at her while on the streets like she was a hot celebrity. Then she looked around the area and most importantly she focused on the location of the places her brother liked to visit. For example his favorite 4-night clubs, high-class restaurants, and shopping districts. She also mapped out the locations of computer cafes, electronics stores, small local restaurants, and even other convenience stores. Lan Yue actually has a very good local sense. She only needed to visit the streets and shops one and then she will remember exactly how to navigate. Her last stop is a candy store that has the flavors of lollipops that she wants. She walks to the store clerk and confidently says: "I want 20 packs of spicy ginger lollipops and 30 packs of chili lollipops."

Each pack contains about 12 lollipops so it is to say that she wanted to buy 600 lollipops. Although it is a huge amount it was not so for Lan Yue. After all, once she needed to think or concentrate she needed sugar to help her concentrate. So at times, she will actually eat 30 lollipops in one go. But usually, she would only eat 18 a day. And for the flavor, she likes spicy food it is as simple as that. Of course, she likes sweet foods too but she did not like the taste of the sweet lollipops. And the reason lollipops are her weapon of choice is because she could take them out wherever she wanted to talk and lasts longer. The store clerk obviously was stunned by this but he thought that he was probably a rich young master that has an obsession with lollipops. Although he did not know if they have that many lollipops back of that flavor. After all, it is not a very popular flavor and they only have it as their store prides itself on having the largest collection of candy in the whole country.

The store clerk: "I am sorry I don't we have that many on stock."

Lan Yue frowned at this as if this was back home she this order would easily go through but there is nothing she can do. 

Lan Yue: "Alright, give me anything you have and replace the rest with cinnamon flavor." 

The store clerk: "Alright, that would make it 20 packs of spicy ginger lollipops, 14 packs of chili lollipops, and 16 cinnamon flavor lollipops. That will be 130 ranc."

She pays for it and carries the two bags of lollipops back home.

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