"Everyone was watching the sports festival, weren't they? That means the villains definitely were too, dummies."

"Sounds probable, but how can you be sure?"

"Because that's what I would do." She smirked.

"Oookayyy..." Tsuyu hummed, looking away.

"Now for seconds, which offer are you gonna chose?"

"Oh, I've already had mine decided during the festival. I'll be interning with Endeavor."

It's the perfect opportunity to both advertise myself, maybe learn something, and keep an eye on Iida's dumb ass in Hosu.

"ENDEAVOR?!" Everyone yelled out in shock.

"Yeah..." She nodded awkwardly, then looked down at her flip phone to check the time.

Ah, shet. I'll be late for my tutoring job for some kid my age. Mother sounded desperate, like the kid was a devil, or something.

"I gotta run, see you guys around!" Shika said and ran out of the classroom.


"Phew. Made it only two minutes late." She huffed to herself, then knocked on the door.

"I'll get it!" A female's voice which Shika recognised from the phone yelled from behind the door before it opened, revealing an ash blonde woman, which reminded Shika of Bakugo, but she quickly dismissed the disturbing thought.

"I'm Shika Dazai, I was called in for a maths tutoring lesson." She introduced herself with a slight smile.

"Oh, sure! Come on in!" She welcomed the female inside, then led her over to the sofa. "So, what do you do, Shika?"

"Oh, I'm in a hero course."

"Really? My son is too! I called him down, but it seems that...KATSUKI I TOLD YOU TO GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!"

Katsuki? Nonononononono. No. Nah.



"The hell are you doing here, Suicide Freak?!" Bakugo, who'd stormed down the stairs with his hands stuffed in his pockets and a scowl on his face, yelled at the girl.

"I came to tutor you?" She shrugged with a smile,

"You two know each other?" Mitsuki asked,

"We go to the same class." Katsuki spat.

"Well, it can't be helped. I want my money, so let's get this over with." Shika sighed and got up, then followed the angered boy upstairs. "Mathematics, aye? Which lesson are you having trouble with?"

"The last two."

"What's with the attitude, Baku-chan?"

"Don't you dare call me that ever again!"

"Fine, fine. I want to get paid for dealing with this shit, so let's start."


"-And that's why the answer will be 7."

"Why the hell did you get that?! How did all the x's get from there to there?!"

"Oh God." Shika rubbed her temples tiredly. At least she was paid for hours. "It's because all the x's have to join up together, so instead of 1x+2+1x you have 2x+2. DO.YOU.UNDERSTAND?" She spoke the last question slowly, as if talking through a phone for the first time.

"Shut up! I do!"

"Good. I'll be off, then. See you tomorrow, Kacchan~" She teased before leaving, taking her pay, and heading home.

Well that was unexpected, to say the least. Most importantly, Mrs. Bakugo payed me a shitload of money, so I can treat myself to a good-looking muffin today!

Whilst eating her prize, sat in the seat facing the window, Shika started people-watching. Groups of teens, adults, loners, and elderly passed by, and it got her thinking about her past. She thought about the Detective Agency, and wondered how they're doing. But then she thought, why don't I check it out myself? I'll just switch my internship because I can~

And so she did.


"Everyone has their costumes, right? Now remember. You still don't have permission to wear them out in public yet, and don't lose them or anything." Class 1A stood at the train station prepared for their internships, excited as the teacher went through some important points.

"Yeah! I gotcha!" Mina jumped in the air energetically.

"Speak properly. Its 'yes sir', Ashido." The man scolded tiredly, deflating the girl.

"Yes sir..." She muttered more calmly. 

The class split up and went their ways, some by taxi, some by train, while Shika took the latter. Once she arrived after a nap, she was greeted by the familiar face of Yukichi Fukuzawa who awaited her arrival at the doorstep of the corner building leading to the detective agency.

"1 year of working for the Port Mafia at the age of 14, one more year working for the Armed Detective Agency, then decided to leave and..."

"Study heroism at UA. Good to see you, President. And if you could keep the first part down, it would be nice!" She winked as she placed a finger to her lips.

"Welcome back to the Agency, Shika Dazai."

𝐍𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧 / BNHA / Dazai OCWhere stories live. Discover now