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"Mr. Aizawa no!" The green haired male exclaimed from behind the peach rocks he was hiding in.

This world

is a cruel place.

"Midoriya! Stay back!"

One may only know so much

About the dark truth lurking in the carelessly shallow-dug grave.

What might you need to survive then? Undeniable intelligence? Tactics? Emotions? Beliefs? Abilities?



"W-who's that!? Ribbit!"

A touch of madness is the key. Not a touch, but a submersion, drowning in the truth of this society.

Her long, dark oak hair followed suit behind her as she jumped head-on into the chaos, her similar coloured eyes dancing around the area in excitement like a child at an amusement park. She looked fearless, entertained, even. It confused anyone who saw her, as the given situation was nothing fun to be in.

"Oh my Belladonna! What on earth happened to you, my dear!?" The girl cried out, dramatically shaking the black haired man who glared tiredly.

Yet behind his bloodshot eyes hid relief, and Shika Dazai saw right through it. Eyes are the window to the soul, as they say. There is so, so, so much you can see through those magnificently shimmering eyes, yet all she wants is for someone to look deep, deep into hers. To not only look, but to fall into them, like a bottomless pit, never able to reach the end. To drown in them like in a bowl of chocolate, so ecscatic, the truth so tangible, only for you to be long gone by the time you realise you've stopped moving, and now you're going under, not a chance to survive. You've caught a taste, but you were too blindly greedy and ended up perishing in the sweet taste of it all.

"Put me down, Dazai! Protect the students behind the rocks over there from these villains."

"Oh?" She hummed, turning to the direction Aizawa looked at. "Hey there! Who are you, a burnt nugget advertisement?" She snickered, tilting her head to the side whilst sliding her hand into one of her trench coat's pockets. Something she felt was very symbolic to her, like another window to her mind and soul, if only someone put in the effort to understand her suffering.

"Another brat?" The male rasped. Pale blue hair, and he was covered in gray hands, which the girl wondered if were real. They always could be...but wouldn't they decompose? Quirks have gotten a little too advanced, in Shika's opinion. Everything has. Diseases, health problems, illnesses, it is all Mother Nature's own way of dealing with overpopulation. But then humans came along and decided they were the greatest, and began advancing over the world's natural life. Huzzah, all hail humanity.

"You could say that." She shrugged once, shortly. "Sorry I couldn't bring along my scythe, but I didn't have time to grab it." She huffed in disappointment, then focused on the task at hand. She first used one hand to take out a knife, then held out her other as she lunged towards the target, while he appeared to be reaching out his hand too. Once impact was made, an almost blinding light blue light surrounded the two of them, all while the girl stabbed a knife through the man's forearm.

"Don't underestimate me, mister." She winked and skipped over to the three terrified teens. They seemed to have been frozen in admiration as what the girl had just done was definitely out of their reach and ability for the time being, even if she appeared to be the same age.

"W-who are you?"

"Are these grapes? They're big." She hummed, her attention caught on the balls on the dwarf-boy's head. She poked one of them only for it stick to her finger, as a result causing her to yeet it into the distance before answering, introducing herself. "Shika. Shika Dazai." She smiled while behind her, Shigaraki leaped towards her lustfully, malice dripping from his glaring eyes. Oh how readable that man-child was.

𝐍𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧 / BNHA / Dazai OCWhere stories live. Discover now