For one thing he gasps and manages to break free of the tendrils to get back to the surface and the Rust Bucket.

Four Arms(Bursting into the Rust Bucket waking Inko and Shina, out of breath.) I was just attacked by a giant lake monster it was incredible!

Shina(Lazily throws pillow at Izuku's face.) Hello? Current events? You already got me with that one Baka.

Four Arms:But I'm not kidding this time!

Inko:Alright Izuku, joke's over.

Four Arms:...But I--

Inko:we'll talk about this some other time but for now Get some sleep, remember we have an early day tomorrow for our fishing trip.

Izuku times out, transforming back into his human form, lying starfish-positioned on the ground.

Izuku:I know what I saw...I hope I can see it again

Izuku, Shina, and Imko walk along the coast, Inko with a fishing rod in hand.

Izuku:No, really! It was humongous with these red glowing eyes--!

Inko:I'm sure it was just some kind of big fish, that's all.

Shina:Yeah, so give the mega-fish story a rest, will you "Captain Dweeb"?

Izuku just sighs

Izuku:well I tried to tell them and we live in a wild where the possibility of seeing giant fish is real and yet

Izuku wonders ahead, coming across a bucket of wriggling worms.

Shina(Izuku shoves a handful of worms up to Shina's face.) Ah!

Izuku:would you like some Breakfast honey?

He said this with a smile on his loving the reaction that's from Shina

Shina:Gugh- Izuku, gross... What's with the bucket of slimies?


Shina:Yeah- Well, I think I'm gonna pass on the fishing thing, I'll stay here and catch some sun instead!

Inko:well Okay, but you don't know what you're missing!

Shina:I'm pretty sure I do...

Inko(Turning to greet the man in the boat beside them.) Kyaputenshō?

Kyaputensho:Who wants to know?

Inko:I'm Inko Midoriya, and this is my son, Izuku. (Izuku waves.) We chartered your boat today for a fishing trip.

Kyaputensho:Well what're you waiting for, an engraved invitation? Get aboard, I ain't got all day.

Izuku excitedly moves to get on the boat, though Inko seems concerned. The ship sets off, down the lake.The ship sails slowly.

Inko:Anything... interesting out there to catch today?

Kyaputensho:More than you can imagine... (Seeing Izuku, with his head over the end of the boat.) Looks like your boy's using his breakfast as chum.

Inko:Izuku? You feeling okay?

Izuku:Yeah, I'm just keeping an eye out for the lake monster. That thing's not taking me by surprise this time plus imagine how its powers work maybe like this or maybe

Izuku started to mutter making Inko just laugh while the Captian was observing but Izuku stopped when he saw somthing in the water

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Izuku started to mutter making Inko just laugh while the Captian was observing but Izuku stopped when he saw somthing in the water

Izuku:There it is! (The silhouette becomes clear as it passes, revealing just a collection of brambles and rubbish.) Oh, my bad.

He said this while scratching the back of his head with his excitement going down a bit

Inko:Now, Izuku. This is a fishing trip, not a monster hunt.

Kyaputensho:t's called 'the Krakken'.

This got Izuku's attention

Izuku:Whoa really. You know about it?

Kyaputensho:t's my business to know about it.

Hands Izuku a photo reminiscent of the 'Loch Ness Monster' photo.

Kyaputensho:I've been on it's tail for years. Folks say my rudder's not right.

Inko:Why doesn't that surprise me?

Kyaputensho:Sightings go back hundreds of years around the time where quirks were frowned upon, on this very lake. Some say it's a myth... not me! I could take you to a spot where I personally laid eyes upon the beast. That is, if you've got the stomach for some real adventure!

Izuku looks up to his reluctant Mother expectingly and smiling and all Inko can do is smile

Inko:I guess so...


Kyaputensho:Sonar, high-def video setup, ultrasound. I got it all. And I will find it. Mark my words, it can't hide forever.

Inko:(Taking Izuku aside.) Izuku, I don't want you to put too much stock in what Shaw-san says. I don't think he has both oars in the water, if you know what I mean.

Izuku:Why is that? Just because he saw the Krakken too mom you need to understand that what I saw last night filled me with nothing but excitement and I need to see it again please understand?

With that Izuku walks away with a determined look on his face, with Inko a bit saddened.The ship floats by, Shaw at the helm paying attention to the sonar, as he comes up against a blockage of buoys and tape.

Shaw(Reading the tape.) "Do not enter"? What's going on?

Inko:Looks official. Maybe we should turn back.

Shaw:Nonsense, this is my lake and I'll go where ever I--

Distant Voice:Fishing boat! Stop where you are. (Greeting Shaw and the crew friendlily, and pulling up alongside their boat.) I am Jonah Melville, the founder of 'Friends of Fish", here in japan we've closed this section of the lake for an environmental study. You'll have to turn your boat around.

He said this with his Japanese bring fluent

Shaw(Using a confrontational tone to Jonah and the other crew.) 'Suppose you make me, fish-hugger?

Inko:um well, since I chartered the boat for the day, I believe I'm in charge. Isn't that right, Captain?

Captain Shaw grumbles and reluctantly makes his way up the boat.

Izuku:wait what But-- what about the Krakken?

Jonah(Chuckling to himself.) The Krakken? Not that old fish story? Look, I'm a marine biologist. Anyone who tells you they've seen a monster in this lake, is casting without a hook.

Shaw's boat travels back to the docks, trailing behind the 'Friends of Fish' boat. The ship's sonar pings, alerting Shaw.

ShawThe sonar! We've found something!

Izuku:(Seeing a shark-like fin pop to the surface of the water.) Or something's found us! Look!

Shaw walks out and sees the fin dip below the water.

'Shaw'The Krakken'!

The fin passes under Shaw's boat, revealing it's true size, and rocking the boat.

Shaw(Panicked.) It's heading for the docks!

This shocked both Izuku and Inko

Izuku & Inko:(In unison.) Shina!

The Krakken's fin rushing towards the docks at a high speed, unbeknownst to Shina who was sitting at the end of the pier rocking her feet.

Shina:Ah finally a little sun, and with my cousin nowhere in sight, I can just lay back and relax...


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