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Rafe's POV 

I watched as the car flipped over. "Shit" I muttered and sprinted over to the car, I saw the broken window and pulled her out. "Fuck no wake up please" I begged, she didn't wake up she just lay there. "Don't just stand there and watch call 911!" I yelled at the man who had hit her.

He rushed and picked up his phone and began calling them, "your going to be ok" I muttered. I felt the tears fall, if she was gone I would have lost the one thing that I felt I really cared for. The one thing that kept me from going crazy and if she went I feared part of me would go with her.

The blue and red sirens flashed the night sky and all the shocked voices disappeared. An ambulance worker came towards us, a few other workers joined them. They pushed me away from her, I watched as they began to do CPR and felt everything break.

"Stay with me Rae" I begged as I chocked with tears, "stay with me" I pleaded.

But the worker shook his head, they placed a towel over her head. She was gone.


It had been the best and worst summer of my life, the best because I met Rae and the worst because I lost her. All in a short period of time, I lost everything that night. The worst part was breaking it to JJ and Kie who both broke down. JJ took a turn to drugs and Kie hasn't left her room in weeks.

I turn to being drunk or high to help me forget, but no matter how hard I try she will always be there.


Surge, Rafe Cameron  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now