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Raelyn's POV

The night struck, I was at John B's house. He didn't return but Sarah did, she told us he was running and that Ward blamed the shooting on him. "It was horrible, John B's going to go to prison for something he didn't do" Sarah cried. I had done crying, there must have been a reason and I was someone who forgave very easily. 

"John B won't go down, we will hide him until something comes up and we can clear his name" I sighed, "we will all help hide him. He won't get caught and we will get him off Outer Banks on a boat" Pope added, I nodded. We planned it all out, JJ ran off to grab his Fathers boat keys. Sarah and I where going to find John B and hide him.

As soon as we stepped outside it was hell, police where everywhere and people where helping with the search. Every teenager I knew was hunting the grounds like predators, John B being the prey. Sarah looked at me "We need to split up, I'll look on the Pogue side and you look on the Kook" she said. Before I could even answer she sprinted in the opposite direction. 

"Damn John B where would you hide" I muttered to myself as I began hunting the grounds for him. "John B" I hissed as I walked through the forest, I looked around the bushes but he didn't seem to be anywhere here. So i left and was about to leave when someone grabbed me. I gasped and turned around to see Topper, "where is Sarah" he spat. "Where the fuck is she" he shook me.

"I don't know" I lied, he shook his head before shoving me away and I fell onto the leaves. "You stupid little dick" I yelled as he ran away. I had a small cut on my knee, I rolled my eyes and got back up. "Someone really needs to get over their ex" I muttered to myself before I walked out of the trees and back into a neighbourhood. 

The cops where everywhere, "we got him, he's in the house" Topper yelled. My eyes widened as I watched someone creep out the back. I went to go after him but Police blocked the way. "Let me through" I demanded, they blanked me and pushed me back. 

I looked for another way out, i searched through the crowed but it was like a barrier of cops everywhere I looked. 

"Rae" Rafe's voice could be heard from behind me, I slowly turned around to see him. He didn't say anything and grabbed my hand and pulled me away to an ally. "Rae It was me I shot her" he had tear drops forming in his eyes. "It was me not John B" he stated. "I know Rafe I watched it happen" I sat down on the ground.

"I was trying to save my Dad, I didn't mean to kill her I swear" He cried. I would do that for my dad, no matter what he had done to destroy me life I would always risk a life for my dad and I'm sure that's all that Rafe was doing. Defending his Father.

I pulled him into a hug, "i'm sorry" he apologised. "Don't apologise I would of done the same thing" I whispered. He pulled away from the hug and got up before helping me up. "Thank you for understanding" he smiled. I nodded, Topper appeared at the bottom of the ally.

"Where is Sarah, I know you know where she is so fucking tell me Raelyn" He shouted, "I cant do that i'm afraid" I replied. 

"Sarah?" Toppers voice softened, at the other end of the ally she stood. Rafe walked towards Topper and whispered something to him, "come on I know where he is" Sarah spoke to me. Rafe walked back towards me and Sarah backed off. "Rae hurry up, John B is well hidden and we don't have long" Sarah bagged.

Rafe grabbed my hands, I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine. "Rae I think i love you" he stammered, he looked nervous as he said it. It was a big step what he had said to me but one I was willing to take and it felt responsible. "I love you too" I replied, he kissed me before he let go "be careful doll" he smiled.

Sarah grabbed my hand and we began running.

"He's in the tower, we need to get to the tower" she panted.

Surge, Rafe Cameron  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now