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Raelyn's POV 

I awoke on a Sandy beach, I looked up and it was a tiny island surrounded by ocean. "No no no no" I cried, I got up and ran but I seemed to get no where. I looked at John B to see him giving me a sorry look. "Don't fucking look at me" I snapped.

"It was for the best" Sarah butted in. "Fuck the pair of you" I yelled, I ran away with Sobs. I dug around in my pocket to find my phone, I don't know how or why but it still worked and I decided to call my Dad. JJ and Kie ran to me, "your phone works?!" Kie gasped. 

"Hey dad" I spoke through the phone, "help me Kie, JJ and I are stuck on an island in the middle of the sea please get us" I begged. I ended it and dropped my dad my location, "what about John B and Sarah?" JJ asked. "They can stay here" I smiled fakely, Kie sighed.

The three of us sat waiting for my Dad's boat, after a few hours it finally arrived and we climbed on. "Sweetheart are you okay?!" Dad gasped as he hugged me, I nodded. "JJ, Kie are you hurt?" He asked. The shook their heads, "can we go now" I begged. I needed to make sure John B and Sarah stayed on the Island and didn't go anywhere.

"Is there anyone else?" He asked, I lied by shaking my head and my Dad began driving away. I watched as Sarah and John B began screaming for help, I put my middle finger up and we sailed away into the night.


"Hello?" I spoke into my phone, "Rae? Are you ok" Rafe asked. "Yeah but I need to see you at the docks in an hour" I asked. Rafe had gone back to the outer banks after John B had taken the boat, we where now both home and I needed to thank him for saving me when John B pushed me into the sea.

"Ok I'll see you there" he said, I put the phone down and took my Dad's car. I drove out the driveway, I couldn't help myself to regret what I had done to John B and Sarah and if the died I knew it was on me. But I didn't know what to do anymore, I had no clue how to get to that island and I needed help.

I began to drive faster with stress, I was almost at the docks when suddenly another car hit the side of mine. My car flipped over and everything went black.

I felt nothing.

Surge, Rafe Cameron  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now