Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

               The room began to spin around me as the realization hit me.

               My mother.... Is dead I thought. Why was I so shocked though? I did have adoptive guardians. Maybe I had just assumed she had given me up. Maybe it was her nobility that made me miss her most.

               Sunny bit her lip and I knew she was wondering if she should have told me or not. I wanted to ask her more, but that's when the adults walked in.

               "Beatrice? What's wrong?" asked Violet "You look sick." She knelt down, rubbing my back, and felt my forehead.

               "N-no I'm fine" I muttered, brushing her hand away "I just need to rest a little."

               "Well Beatrice," said Klaus "If you're feeling okay, we were expecting you to have dinner with the Quagmires." I sighed and considered my options.

               "I guess I could stay for dinner," I mumbled. Klaus  grinned and ruffled my hair, leading the way to the dining room. Sunny went into the kitchen to get the food she had made for dinner.

               "For the first course, we will have a salad adorned with sliced mango, black beans, chopped celery, black pepper, lime juice, and olive oil," said Sunny happily.

               "Oh Sunny," murmured Violet "That was one of mom's recipes." Sunny nodded and smiled.

               "That's how I've been cooking what I have," she replied proudly "I found a box of old recipes in..." She glanced at me "In the basement..."

               After the salad, Sunny brought out the main course.

"For our entree," began Sunny "I made a chicken roasted with lavender."

               "I never knew your were such a good chef," remarked Duncan through a mouthful of chicken "This tastes really good Sunny." And after dinner, we had my favorite meal.

               "And for dessert, I made coconut cake!" cried Sunny. She had her hands firmly clasped around a plate that contained a snow white frosted cake with bits of coconut covering it.

               "The same one that you made aboard the Queequeg?" asked Klaus, taking a sad look in his eyes.

               "Of course," said Sunny "It wasn't the same without Phil though." When we were almost finished with dessert, there was another knock on the door.

               "I'll get it!" said Violet, jumping up from her seat. Soon, we heard excited squeals coming from the front hall.

               "Why is Violet so excited?" I asked everyone at the table.

               "I don't know," muttered Klaus, looking at his cake, and picking at it with his fork.

               "Beatrice I'd like you to meet our other guest," said Violet excitedly, pulling in a man that looked very much like Isadora and Duncan.

               "This," she said, gesturing to the him "Is Quigley Quagmire." Quigley waved shyly and took a seat next to Violet. Sunny served him a piece of cake, which he poked at slowly.

               "Violet? Do you think we should tell them?" asked Quigley. Violet nodded after some consideration, and her eyes swept the table.

               "Everyone," she began "Quigley and I are getting married."

The Secret Life of Beatrice: A sequel to A Series of Unfortunate Events #13Where stories live. Discover now