Void Season 2 Episode 6: Ariel

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The sun was up, Chase had already left, he went to get some groceries from the store with Cassiel so Will was left alone.

He paced back and forth from the front door to the bathroom door at the back of the room thinking and speaking aloud.

"But when did he feed on me? Was it when I was possessed by Enoch or what?" Will said to himself, not expecting an answer until someone did, Will screamed out in fear

"It was when you were possessed." The voice was a woman, it was Eve.

"Eve?" Will said looking at the women in the black dress in the kitchen.

"Hello, Will." Eve smiled.

Chase and Cassiel walked through the corner store, the same corner store as Metatron and Chase were four days ago.

"But what I don't understand Cas is why Will got so mad? I get it, I'm hyped on Demon blood but it doesn't make me a monster, does it?" Chase asked holding a basket and dropped things into it one by one, Cas was just following.

"No, of course not, Chase. We'll figure out how to get rid of this curse?" Cas said with his hands in his trench coat pocket.

"What if I said don't?"

"I would say you're crazy? Why would you want this?"

"It makes me feel different, powerful and with that power I could do anything? You've felt that power, haven't you?"

"I'm an Archangel, of course I have it's not as great as it looks?"

"Maybe I would make it look hot?" Chase laughed, they walked up to the cash register and the man sighed loudly, rolling his eyes at the sight of Chase and Cassiel.

"You guys again?" The cashier was the same guy Metatron threatened and he wasn't happy with them.

"Yeah, sorry dude about that whole stuff... I've got someone different now." Chase smiled pointing at Cas while putting his basket on the table, the scrawny white kid checked out their stuff.

"Why you guys come here on Mondays and Thursdays, it's the days I work?" The man complained, Cas bumped Chase on the shoulder over to the small tv over the cash register.

"Jessica Parker found dead in the mean streets of Fremont Colorado. The wounds all point to the murder weapon being a Blade, but the weapon isn't here? We will have more news later tonight." The news broadcaster lady announced, Chase and Cassiel exchanged looks and ran out of the store and forgot the groceries.

Will watched as Eve got closer to him, he got closer to his bed as he was backing up.

"Will, I heard that Adam wants me back?" Eve smiled gracefully walking out of the kitchen and into the light.

Eve was wearing a black draped jersey dress with a belt and her shoes were black ribbon heels.

"Yes, it would be nice if you did go with him." Will said softly trying not to make Eve angry.

"Me? Go back with that train wreck, he's weak, abusive and ugly?" Eve was disgusted but she had to go back to the Garden or Adam would most likely get Will back up there.

"Please Eve, my life depends on you going back with Adam."

"Someone's coming? I was never here, we'll talk about this later, come to the factory tonight when everyone's asleep and only you Will!" Eve said louder backing up into the kitchen.

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