Spider-Woman slams into the beam, grabbing onto it to steady herself. Goblin grab Spider-Woman by the back of her head and repeatedly slammed her face into the beam, until he heard a crack. Letting Spider-Woman go, the hero fell to the ground.

Goblin kick Spider-Woman, to turn her over, checking to see if she's still breathing. Seeing she's still alive, Goblin gave her one final kick before he turned his attention onto Peter.

Peter seeing his friend so badly hurt, tries to get up, but is only able to get on his knees. Peter picks up his arm about to shoot a web but Goblin stomps on his hand to stop him. "You've spun your last web, Spider-Man. Had you not been so selfish, your little girlfriend's death would have been quick and painless. But now that you've really pissed me off I'm gonna finish her and Spider-Woman off. Niiiiicccceeee and sllllooooowww."

Peter lifts his head, greening his teeth in anger and glaring up at the Goblin with furious look in his eyes. Goblin takes a spear from his glider, opening the claws up causing it to spark. Peter finding strength to keeping fighting, rises to his feet. "MJ, Spider-Woman, and I. We're gonna have a Hellllll of a time!"

Goblin jams the spear at Peter, who catches it by it's blades, stopping it an inch from his face. Goblin struggles with Peter for a bit, before the hero pushes the villain off of him. Sending Goblin flying into a brick wall far behind him. Goblin quickly gets to his feet about to run back at Peter.

But Peter shoots webs at Goblin's feet tripping him and sending him crashing to the ground. Peter does a spin as he shoots another pair webs at the wall, pulling it down to crash on top of Goblin, who screams.

Goblin rises out of the rubble, not having a second to rest before Peter comes in with another attack. Peter swings in, grabbing Goblin and throwing him crashing into some wood on the 2nd floor of the building. Goblin slams into yet another brick wall, before falling to the ground.

Peter lands in front of him, grabbing Goblin by his neck, he pulls Goblin up slamming him into the wall. Where he punches him to the ground, only to pick him up again for another punch, then another, and another punch. Over and over and over again, until finally he leaves Goblin on the ground, about to go for the finishing blow.

"Peter, stop!" A familiar voice cried, as Goblin held up his hands in surrender. Peter stops mid-punch narrowing his eyes at the Goblin. "Stop! It's me." Goblin slowly reach for his helmet, taking it off to reveal who he is. All this time underneath the mask... was Norman Osborn. Norman stared up at Peter frighten, while Peter stares down at him in disbelief. "Mr. Osborn?"

"Peter, thank God for you." Norman said, while Peter drop his fist, trying to wrap his brain around this. "You killed those people on that balcony." Peter said, remembering (Name) saying how the people that were killed were disintegrated into nothing but dust. Weapons that dangerous has been in Norman's hands this whole time?

"The Goblin killed! I had nothing to do with it! Don't let him take me AGAIN! I beg you. Protect me!" Norman said, shaking where he sat on the floor. "You tried to kill Aunt May. You tried to kill Mary Jane. You wanted to kill Spider-Woman."

"But not you. I tried to stop it. But I couldn't stop it. I would never hurt you." Norman explained, slowly reaching to press a button on his wrist. This called his glider to rise up to the second floor behind Peter, without him knowing.

"I knew from the beginning if anything ever happened to me, it was you I could count on. You, Peter Parker, would save me, and so you have. Thank God for you." Norman slowly stood up, holding his hand out to Peter. "Give me your hand. Believe in me as I believed in you. I've been like a father to you. Be a son to me now."

Peter thinks back to his last moment with his Uncle before he was shot. When Ben say he wasn't his father, Peter was immature and blew up at him. But he has grown and mature, since then... "I have a father. His name was Ben Parker."

Norman drop his hand, lowering his head a little as he glared at Peter. "Godspeed, Spider-Man." He said in his Green Goblin voice. Peter's eyes widen as he Spider Sense let's him know something was behind him.

The blade from the glider shoots out, before the glider came crashing through the wall to kill both Peter and Norman. Peter backed flip to avoid the oncoming attack, which mean there was only one person left in the glider's path. Norman's eyes widen as he realizes his fate. "Oh."

The glider slams into Norman, piercing right through him and clean through the brick wall to the other side. Peter lands on some rubble, watching as Norman groans in agony, blood raising up and out of his mouth. In his last moments, Norman hunches over, looking over at Peter, only regretting one thing.

The pain that will cause Harry, if he should find out what his father had become. "Peter.... Don't tell Harry." Norman drops on top of his glider, dead. Peter stares at Norman's body, before lowering his head, wishing he could have saved him from himself.

On the ground floor, Peter drops down running over to Spider-Woman. He kneels down next to her body, picking her up to hold her in his arms. He pulls off her mask, finding a bruise followed by a blood trail on the right side of her forehead just above her eyebrow.

Peter looks at her injure forehead in a panic. He place his ear to his chest, hearing her heart beep. Peter let's out a heavy sigh, at the fact she's still alive. He lifts his head to stare at (Name) face for a moment, before he hugs her. Thankfully he didn't have to lose her too.

At Osborn manor, Peter laid Norman, now wrapped up in some sheets, down in his bed. He stares down at Norman for a moment, before he senses something. He turns to see Harry entering the room, looking between his father and Peter.

Despite part of his mask being ripped, Harry could not make out Peter's face in the darkness. All he saw was Spider-Man red and blue suit. "What have you done?" Harry asked, quietly unable to believe what he was seeing was real.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" Harry screamed, turning to the drawer next to him, he pulled it open to grab the gun inside. He points it, only to discover Peter was now gone. He looks back over at Norman, dropping the gun and running, to his bed.

Vengeance is born within Harry's heart that night, as he hugs his dead father for the last time.

Spider-Man: With Great Power (Female Reader Inserted)Where stories live. Discover now