"Later or tomorrow?" "I'm not sure." He pulls himself away, leaving quickly. I watch him leave, I made him angry. Jake looks at me for a second, sighing. "Go for your walk. I'll let you know when to come back." He says, holding his hand out for my phone. I hand it to him and after punching his number in he sends me on my way. I sit in the clearing, staring at the discarded flowers on the ground, picking one up. I feel bad for upsetting Embry but I wanna ride that motorcycle. It could be fun. I sigh, picking the petals off the flower, watching as they float to the ground.

Soon enough my phone buzzes and Jake is telling me it's time to go back. I sigh, standing and making my way back to the garage. When I get there Bella sighs, looking down. "What's wrong?" "Embry came back. He said he wouldn't be coming back for a while." My heart drops as I nod. "Okay," I whisper, climbing into the truck quickly. I don't expect any texts from him tonight, but maybe I'll get something back tomorrow. The next morning I wake up and immediately call Embry to make sure he's okay. When he doesn't answer, I text. For days the same happened over and over. I got nothing.

The day finally came to ride the motorcycles, Bella wakes me, her face slightly expectant but when I don't talk the look drops. I haven't spoken in almost a week. Embry left and I feel like I have no reason to speak. I tried for days to get him to call me back, and I can't even tell you how many times I apologized. Apologized for making him upset, and for calling and texting so many times, for leaving voicemails that go unanswered. Day after day, I got quieter and quieter. He was the only one who listened, and without him, why talk at all? Soon enough I gave up, realizing he wasn't calling back. He wasn't gonna answer.

I sigh, getting dressed before following Bella out the door. We get to Jake's and I stand off to the side, not wanting to get in the way. On the drive to the spot where we're riding, Bella jerks to a stop. "Did you see that?" She asks as she climbs out, running to the other side of the road. Jacob laughs as he climbs out, I follow, wanting to know what's going on. "They're not really fighting Bella. They're cliff diving. Scary as hell, but a total rush." "A rush?" He nods. "Most of us jump from lower down. We leave the showing off to Sam and his disciples." "You have some kind of beef with him or something?" Bella asks, walking back over.

"I don't know. They just think they run this place. Embry used to call them hall monitors on steroids." I perk up at the mention of Embry, maybe this will tell me where he is. "Now look at him." He motions across the way. I look up, scanning over the remaining two boys, realizing that yes, one of them is Embry. I block out everything as I realize he blew me off for the one group he almost hated me over. I sigh, walking back to the truck, climbing in. "You good, Alex?" Bella asks after a moment. I shake my head, looking at my phone, still nothing from Embry.

I stand beside Jake as he explains to Bella how to ride the bike. She fails the first time, it stalls. The second she takes off okay but she can't keep it straight after a moment, she swerves, hitting a rock and throwing herself over the handlebars. Jake grabs me, throwing me on the back of his bike with him as he takes off toward Bella. I quickly jump off, kneeling down beside Bella, picking her head up to examine the damage. She's got a cut across her forehead, blood slowly seeping down. She pushes my hands away when Jake carefully moves me out of the way.

I block everything out as I stare into the woods, kind of wishing I didn't know what happened to Embry, simply so I wouldn't feel like he left me on purpose. I know I should leave Embry alone, it's clear he doesn't want to be friends. The following days Bella continued to take me out to Jake's, letting me go for my walks every time, this time I'm met by Sam standing in the middle. He smiles when he sees me. "Alex, hey." I nod toward him. "Everything okay?" I shrug, sitting down and sighing. "Embry um, Embry wanted to apologize." I shrug again. That just makes me angry. Now he wants to apologize.

"You're not gonna say anything?" He asks, his brows furrowing. I pull my legs to my chest, wrapping my arms around my legs as I shake my head. "Oh." I stay silent, thinking of all the things I wish I could say but I can't bring myself to speak. After a moment he leaves, shaking his head. A little while later I walk back to Jake's to find Bella on her phone. "I was just about to call you. Let's get going, dad wants us home for dinner." I nod, climbing in the truck. "I know Embry left but you can't just shove everyone out and shut down like this." She says when she gets in. I shrug, nodding.

She sighs, driving in silence back to the house. At home I sit at the table, picking at my food. "Alex, did you have fun at Jake's with Bella?" Charlie asks. I shrug, nodding slightly. "She went for another walk today, brought back some flowers." She motions to the small purple flowers I had picked, the same ones Embry picked each time. My phone buzzes and Embry flashes across the screen. My heart drops but I ignore it, shoving my phone farther away as I choke more food down, knowing I'm getting bad again with everything. "Who called?" Charlie asks. I shrug, shaking my head.

"Alex, you've gotta talk, come on." He groans quietly, looking at me. "She won't, dad. I've tried all week. She only ever perks up if it's about Embry." "Embry?" Bella nods. "Some guy she met at Jake's. They were super close for a while but then he just up and left her." She shrugs and Charlie sighs. "I know how hard it is to lose a friend but you can't shut yourself down like this." He says. I shrug, continuing to eat. "Alex." Charlie scolds. "I'm telling you, dad, she won't talk." Bella defends, finally making Charlie leave me alone. After dinner I head upstairs, calling Embry back, I need to know what's going on.

"Alexandria." He says, breathing my name into the phone. "Hello?" He says after a moment of silence. "She won't speak, you'll have to do all the talking." I hear someone state in the background. "Andria, I never meant to leave you." I scoff, and he sighs. "I promise." I pull the phone down, hanging up quickly. I can't believe he would lie to me, after everything I trusted him with. The phone buzzes, Embry flashing across the screen for the second time tonight only this time, he doesn't get an answer. I should do to him what he's done to me. He ignored me out of nowhere.

a/n: i really hate this story so let me know if i should keep it going or just get rid of the whole thing

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