- Sab, hi. All good? - she asked, right after being slightly moved away from me, looking straight into my eyes and probably noticing my stress after talking with my ex-boyfriend

- I just had a rather strange conversation with my ex-boyfriend who just suddenly reappeared in my life. - I stammered, twirling my bracelet around in my hand

- Since he didn't go to the hospital after this conversation in a critical condition, it is probably not that bad. - sincerely laughed the girl who knew my story with Quinton very well from the very beginning, because at the very beginning, when I joined this class, I trusted her enough that I was ready to tell her exactly how he broke my heart

- Hmm, I was there a step away from my heart attack when I heard him begin to suggest that we try to get back together.- I mocked, remembering his words and feeling the same unpleasant feeling as that moment

- It seems to me that now he will not give up so quickly. - commented the girl, putting her strand of hair behind her ear so that it does not obstruct her good visibility

- I feel that way too. - I sighed heavily, fully aware of what kind of person my ex-boyfriend is and knowing that there are still many difficult situations ahead of me- But despite everything, he will not be able to win

- My girl. - Amelie smiled proudly, then took her phone out of her pocket, which started to vibrate, and when she saw a number on the screen, she looked in my direction, slightly stressed - Emmm, I have to go now. Bye!

I didn't even have time to answer anything because the girl quickly ran down the side path. I'm curious who called her and why she immediately tensed so strangely. However, I will not ask her about it because I think it is more of her business, and Amelie has never been a person willing to confess.

After a moment's thought, I set off on my way back to my home. The wind started quite strong and cool, which made my body shiver. I quickened my pace, all the time rubbing the places where I felt the coldest. After about ten minutes of brisk walking, I reached my home. Out of breath, I knocked and waited for Nessa to open them for me. A few seconds later I heard the sound of the door opening open, but my friend was not there. He was there. Looking as damn good as ever. He wore black jeans that perfectly emphasized his shapely legs, a slightly oversized gray sweatshirt and black sneakers. His hair was slightly disheveled, and a lit cigarette in his mouth, at the sight of which I winced slightly.

- Where's Nessa? What are you doing here? Why are you smoking here? - I started asking a series of questions, passing the boy and going deeper into the house, hearing him close the door and follow me

- Stop talking so much or you'll be airing- he scoffed, and his rudely smirk appeared on his face, he stood quite close to me, which made me feel his breath, the smell of intense cologne, cigarettes and mint bubble gum

- You're annoying me. - I said, looking straight into his dark, but also very beautiful eyes

- My favorite activity. - He winked at me, inhaling the smoke from the cigarette again and releasing it, which immediately caused my coughing fit, which he laughed softly.

- Can you answer my questions?- I asked, crossing my hands over my chest

- I came here to Nessa because I had to talk to her about something, but in the middle of the conversation she remembered that she was about to visit a beautician, and she knew that you were not at home and you left without the keys, so I had the unfortunate role of waiting here for you. - he said irinonically, keeping eye contact with me all the time

- Stop talking so much or you'll be airing.- with a boorish smile, I repeated his words, and the boy laughed and rolled his eyes, and a victorious smile appeared on my face

I want it that way - Sabrina Quesada&Cooper NoriegaWhere stories live. Discover now