that crazy girl that does drugs

Start from the beginning

I tried to get my attention back to the lecture with no success. I couldn't stop feeling like an asshole in this situation and the professor talking about the most boring topic in the world didn't help. I probably should apologize. I will find her after class. I'll try to calm her down a little bit.


I found her sitting on one of the windowsills on first flour. She was smoking and I could see how shaky her hands were. Just now I realises how bad she looked. Dark bags under her eyes and her skin looked paler than usual. she probably hasn't slept all night. God, how I didn't see this earlier? I am the worst.

"Hey," I said.

She didn't answer.

"I just wanted to say sorry about earlier. I was acting like a dick."

"Yes, you were."

"Listen, I didn't mean to offend you, but you can see how your story isn't the most believable one."

"I know that, but I just need someone to not look at me like a crazy person...and I just...I just thought, that maybe you from all the people would understand me."

"I know how you feel, I'm just not best at communicating my feeling, and honestly I don't know how to help you and what you want from me."I didn't lie. I'm not sure if it hurt, to be honest for once, but it wasn't a good feeling.

"I want you to believe me."

"Sorry, I don't think I can, but I could try."

"what do you mean by that?"

"I could do some research, find some hard evidence, "I smiled." If there's a werewolf running  around someone else has to have seen it."

"You seriously would do that?" Her face mediately brightened up.

"Yeah, why not, it's not like I have anything better to do, like get my degree." I joked. She laughed. 

Maybe I can do this. Be honest with someone. Maybe it's not as hard as it seems.

"Could walk you back to dorms if you want. I imagine you wouldn't want to walk alone right now."

"Yeah, that would be great."She smiled and put her cigarette out.


Dorms were not far away from campus. The university was founded in some old castle-like looking building. I never bother to look up the actual history of this place. Never less this place was beautiful. It had this feeling to itself. The buildings were made from dark stone and looked massive. There were columns everywhere and walls had ornaments on them. The whole campus was surrounded by forests, so this place looked like a small island in the sea of trees.

Jane lived in newly built dorms. While I lived in the old ones. We talk on the way there. We didn't talk about anything interesting just stuff about the studies, anything that would take her mind of the incident. She seemed calmer than before and I was glad I could have helped her at least a little bit.

"Here we are," I said when we stopped in front of her flat.

"Thank you, for everything, I appreciate everything you did for me."

"I haven't done anything yet."

"You listened, that's enough."

"Glad it helped, well, I see you. Call me if you see some mythical beasts again and bring a camera with you, I want that sweet evidence"

"I will, bye." She laughed and closed the doors behind her.

I pulled my hood up because it started raining again and walked my dorms way.

Suddenly my phone rang. I looked at my screen. It was administration. I saved the number when I moved in and never bother to delete it.

"Hello" I picked up the phone.

"Good afternoon, is this Ryan Murray?" The man on the other side spoke.


"There's going to be a new student moving into your dorm, make sure you don't have any of your belongings on the other side of the room."

"Oh, " shit." Yeah, will do."

"You have a couple of days to get ready, he should move in on Friday."

"Okay, thank you for the information," He hung up before could finish the sentence.

I swore under my breath. Great. For two years, I was able to have a whole flat for myself and now I'll have to share it with someone. Usually, new students choose to live in new dorms, but I guess they ran out of space.

I'm not against having a roommate, but I loved the fact that I had some privacy and now after two years I'm not even sure if I know how to share space with someone. I can just hope he's a chill guy.

This day couldn't be worse.

With comedic timing, It started raining harder and I had to start running to not get soaked.

God really hates me, doesn't he?

The cursed wolf ✔(unedited version)Where stories live. Discover now