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next day i woke up to the voice of newt
"WAKE UP, WAKE UP" i jump up "wait what time is it?" "it's 10 am" "shit" i said under my breath "frypan is waiting for you in the kitchen "SHIT" i shouted this time and ran "BYE COTTON BYE NEWT" "HEY! NO SWEARING" newt shouted

when i got to the kitchen frypan was indeed waiting for me "finally. you're late" he said "really? i didn't realize" he gave me a blank, disappointed look "sorry i didn't wake up on time" i said a little disappointed in myself

after that we started cooking and i was actually really good at it if you were to throw it in the trash it would have been perfect! i don't know how maybe in my life before the maze i liked to cook. the more you learn

i either burnt or ate about everything i tried to make so eventually frypan kicked me out because 'i was eating all his food' well food is meant to be eaten what else am i supposed to do with it!?

so now it was time for me to try and be a med-jack which is my last option and my favorite.
being a med-jack only requires you to bond up a bunch of builders and slicers so it was the perfect job, just sitting and doing almost nothing

i went to the med-jack hut and said my hellos to clint and jeff and because no one was hurt we just talked about the most random things like colors to be truly honest it was the best conversation i have had since i got here it was truly about nothing

after about 30 minutes some builders came in and i helped them and i am actually good at this /srs

but after that it was dinner time so we all went out to eat the runners have just came back and we talked again about the most random things and that's what i love around here. it just feels like home.

hi sorry i haven't been uploading i've been really busy with school so sorry if you have been waiting
anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter

If gen z was in the maze runner Where stories live. Discover now