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Soon it was night and we were having a bonfire but since I didn't know anyone I just sat in a corner in my own thoughts

Next thing I know this curly hear boy who looks around 12 came sitting by me "hi" he said while smiling at me "you must be Beyoncé" he said while holding his hand out for me to shake "I'm chuck" I shook his hand and smiled at him

It took everything in me not to burst out laughing when he called me Beyoncé
"Nice to meet you chuck" I told him there was this awkward silence between us for a moment until newt came 'oh thank god' I thought to myself "so I'm guessing you've met chuck" he said "yeah" I answered and that is when a sound came from outside the walls "what the fuck?" I said confused
"That's the maze changing it changes every night" newt said "maze?" I asked "outside those walls is a maze and the only way to get out of here is from that maze" newt said "you see those guys" he pointed at a buff Asian guy and a blonde guy "those are the runners and that's Minho he's the keeper of the runners" "they run the maze every day and map everything to find a way out" he said

"Wait so you're telling me that the only way to get out of here is from that maze?" I asked he nodded "and we have to RUN?" I asked he nodded again "you know what I actually like it here you know I can get used to this" I said looking around ,he laughed 'he thinks I'm joking?' I thought "I'm not joking I'm serious I'd rather die then run" I told him with a serious tone

"Well now I know you're definitely not a runner" he said with a chuckle "here try this" he handed me a goldish liquid in a mason jar I took a sip and swallowed it
And oh my god let me tell you it tasted awful "oh my god what is this?" I said while making a disgust face ,he laughed "I don't even know it's gally's recipe" he said while he took a sip from the drink
"Yeah whatever it is it's disgusting" I said he chuckled again

"Now come on let me show you around" he stood up and dragged me with him
He started introducing me to everyone and he kept saying Beyoncé my eyes were watering from holding in my laughter I also kinda felt bad but it was too funny so I decided to keep it up for a few more days

Soon the night was finished and it was time to sleep and alby thought it wouldn't be safe for me to sleep with the others so I had to sleep in newts room
I had to sleep on the hard floor which was extremely uncomfortable and cold

Sorry this chapter was trash and boring but I swear it gets better

If gen z was in the maze runner Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora