'This didn't happen at lights out'

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Janet and DK both called the meeting, Apollo's body with them. Steve arrived last and saw the slumped over body. He cried out and Toast had to grab him to keep him from bolting.

"His body was at the lights panel. But this didn't happen at lights out. No way it could've," DK said, he sighed.

"DKs right. The body is too old for that. I think it was a coverup, the sab was called but the imposter forgot there was a body there," Janet explained, shifting her weight.

"Or it was the glitch," Steve said, staring at the body. Toast released him and glanced at Hafu.

"Janet, did you kill Apollo?" Tubbo asked, and Janet's eyes widened


"No way. Janet couldn't have done that. Me and Steve were in security before I left. I only ran into Janet outside storage," dk said, sticking up for her. Tubbo didn't look convinced

"Well, I mean, Karl was in electrical earlier. For what reason?" Ellum said, turning the blame onto Karl. The man's eyes widened as he realized he was being accused

"Excuse me? I was in there because I left my watch in there earlier," Karl said, but nobody knew if he was telling the truth.

"So its either Karl or Janet?" Steve asked, and saw Janet look close to tears

"Why would it be me?" She asked, Tubbo jumped on it. Tubbo was giving DK bad vibes.

"Because Kimi chose wrong, and she chose Apollo. So you wanted revenge on Apollo as he's the reason Kimi is dead,"

"I would never have killed him! Dumbdog is one of my best friends! Besides, I never went into electrical with him. I went with DK to go fix lights," Janet said, trying to defend herself.

"I still think Karl is more sus. We know for a fact that he was in electrical," Ellum said, "but I'm down to vote either,"

"Yeah, lets vote," Hafu said, but she seemed to trust Janet more. Everyone cast their votes but Janets was totaling up.

Until more appeared. On Karl. Steve clicked it in his mind that Janet was the mayor.

Karl screamed as his name was selected with the most votes. His eyes showed fear as he looked around the room, knowing it was over. He tried to back out but Hafu blocked him

"Wait, I swear it wasn't me!" He screamed. But Ellum and Tubbo grabbed his arms and Toast tired them

"Sorry Karl. But its what happened," Tubbo said softly. Janet watched as Karl was dragged past, Steve picking up Apollos body.

"I'm sorry Karl," she said and watched as he was dragged onto the bridge.

He was forced to his knees as Steve dropped Apollos body in, tears leaking from his eyes.

Ellum placed his foot to Karls back and knocked the boy into the lava pit.

DK moved to Steves side, knowing how upset his friend was over Dumbdogs death

Nobody spoke for several seconds, before they all split up again.

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