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So I am never gonna finish this story, but you all deserve an explanation of everything, and what will happen. :) so here it is.  Also i wrote this fast so if it has many spelling mistakes.  If you don't get something please ask :)

so basically it all started with kenjis brother.  Kenjis brother was killed when they started first using nen.

  it was kenji who did it.  they got in a fight, and kenji had unknowingly developed his nen ability.  he told his brother to kill himself while they were fighting, and he used his nen. he knew what he his nen does but for some reason he didn't stop his brother. his brother walked away and kenji ran home.

  his parents was devastated with what happened, but did not blame kenji. it was then kenji started hallucinating.  he started to think his brother was still there.  his parents were worried but thought of it as a coping mechanism.

later on at 9 kenji wanted to feel what he felt when he killed his brother.  he made himself forget killing his brother, but the feeling was still there.  he used he nen and had his father light a match when his mother fell asleep.  the house burned down killing the mother and father.

that morning kenji went to Sakura his best friend.  she came over and saw the tradgy and was in shock.  her reaction angered kenji.  he had already forget about killing his family.  but the feeling was there.  he wanted more.  it was that night he killed his family the voices started.  so when Sakura came over he brought her inside, and killed her.

after that everyday he hallucinated everyone was alive.  the village had pity for him, but none tried to help.  they would give him food, but he never took it.  he lived out his life after that pretend his life was normal in the burned down house.

but the voices came back, and he lost it.  he killed his entire village to get the voices away once again.  then his mind made him forget about it and he blamed it on someone else.

he made himself think someone else killed his entire village. After that he spends his time going to the hunter exam trying to find who did it.

and the voices will start to come back causing gon and Killua to worry. kenji will need to get rid of the voices so during the game arc kenji will give in to the voices. 

he will try to kill Killua and gon, but bisky was able to stop it.  kenji is then forced to face reality.

he starts to question reality itself, and is loosing his mind.  Killua and gon can see kenji loosing his mind, but can't help.  it kills them on the inside but they can only try to help him finally kenji will loose his mind. 

he will try to kill everyone and now Killua and gon will have to kill him, and Killua will have to kill their best friend.

it would be putting him out of his misery.  the friend they knew is once gone the worst part is that Killua never realized his feelings before kenji after it was to late,and Killua found a note in kenjis pocket.

it was from long time ago from the end of the hunter exam.  it was kenji talking about his feelings about Killua.  he felt embarrassed about liking him so he hid it.  Killua started to cry and thought.

'You idiot.  I liked you to.  I just wish we had more time to grow together' Killua clenched the note as he let out A painful scream.  gon cried as well getting angry at himself.  he thought it was his fault he couldn't help.  Gon felt like he lost a big brother. Killua felt like he lost his soulmate.  In the end they lost a part of themselves they could never get back. 

The only thing kenji wanted was to have a normal life.  He wanted to live. He wanted to love someone and be loved.  He lost himself far before he died.  The real kenji died long before his actual death.

I hope you all enjoy this.  I knew I would never update again so I thought I would post this.  You all mean so much to me so thank you.  I hope you all have and amazing day or night <3 

For the last and final time.


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