Chapter 1

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Four Days later....
"Percy?" Will Solace asked as he knocked on the door.

"Will, come in" Percy replied.

"Percy , um we are going to have to put her on a dangerous amount of ambrosia and nectar. If it works , she will wake up . If it doesn't , she never will. We need you to sign this. " Will told Percy.

"Shouldn't her father sign this? " Percy asked , confused.

"No. Has to be the emergency contact. He's not it. You are." Will explained to Percy .

"Me? Well , fine. Anything For her. " Percy said and scribbled his signature on the form.

Percy ran his hand through his hair. Percy watched as Will excited the room. Percy was not in a good mood. Percy knew that Annabeth would want him to focus on the war , but when Annabeth was in danger, she's all he could worry about.

Demigods Stand Tall and Strong : F-R-E-A-K  A-T-T-A-C-K (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz