"Damn. Of course, he will never miss me, who am I kidding?" Felix whined. He squirmed in his bed and starts throwing his fist in the air like a child having a tantrum.

He get his phone and dialled Chan, "I shall annoy him! I'm maddd! I'm so mad!" Felix whispered and waited for Chan to answer but the older didn't pick up even if he tries so many times.

"Ughhh I'm so maaaaad!! I'm mad at him even today!! Or maybe until tomorrow again but I'm very mad right now, I'm mad todayyyy!" He threw his phone on his side then covered his face with a pillow.

Oh, how annoyed he is.

Felix kept himself that way until he fell asleep. The next thing he knows is that one of his co-officers is waking him up to help gather the students in the centre hall again.

Once the students were gathered in the hall, everybody was instructed to line up according to their year level, even the student coordinator. This time, the admins are the ones in charge since this is the last activity and they want everybody to enjoy it since they will go home tomorrow afternoon.

Felix is standing in the 3rd year's line while Chan is in the 4th year's line. They get asked to pair up with anybody they want to be with, of course, Felix ran to Chan but Chan was already talking to Jamie when he arrived.

Felix doesn't care so he pulled Chan away and glared at him, "you suppose to be paired with me, sugar pie." Felix said.

"Jamie asked me first, Lix." With that, Felix raised a brow to the older.

"Listen to me, homie. You keep making me jealous, yes I'm fucking jealous okay? And it's making me so mad at you today too, I'm so mad. Why not me, candy boo?" Felix whined but Chan rolled his eyes to the younger.

"Because she asked me first, okay? So if you don't mind, get lost."

"Channie, how can you be so rude like this? I hate it! Make sure to behave yourself or I'll be really upset."

"Jeez calm thyself you're not my boyfriend, we're not dating."

"I know! That's why I'm upset! You don't need to spat that out, I already know it. And for your information— yet. Not yet, sweetie pie. Now, get your shit together and behave!" Both guys are glaring at each other. Chan rolled his eyes to the younger boy, he's talking nonsense.

"Don't order me, I'll do whatever I want to do. Mind your own business, mate."

"You are my business!"

"No, Felix. Jeez, leave me alone, bro." Chan said then turned around to walk away from Felix.

The younger got irritated even more, we were glaring at Chan while the older was walking away from him, "FINE! DO AS YOU PLEASE! I HATE YOU!" he screamed. Loud enough for the other students to hear too.

Chan ignored the younger and continued walking back to his female friend. Felix doesn't make sense and that annoys him more.

The activity started and Felix ended up pairing with his senior, Wooyoung. The activity started, a simple team activity that was teamed by year level, they played 3 games with that team until the pair are asked to stick together for the final activity which is to find a flag all over the place.

The place is big and it has a part like a forest type for camping. The admins allowed everybody to look further but instructed them to keep their eyes on the guide they have so no one will be lost. Admins are placed in different locations, there are challenges in each station first before getting a flag so this is like a relay. The first 25 pairs to get the complete flags will be rewarded.

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