'Are we in a game of among us?'

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Steve and DK looked around, confused for some reason.

"No way," Steve mumbled. DK looked to him and frowned

"Are we in a game of among us?" DK whispered. Steve instinctively reached for his phone.

"Shit, I don't have my phone," Steve said. DK jumped a little at a hand being placed on his shoulder

"You two alright?" Hafus's voice asked. They both flinched a little and looked at her.

She had the expression of a worried mother on her face, her yellow suit sparkling slightly.

"Ye-yeah. Fine. Just tired I guess," DK responded, forcing a smile. Hafu gave Steve a look who gave her a fake smile. She looked doubtful

"Fine. Find me if you need me. Use your tablets to check your tasks. " she said and left the dropship before turning and looking at them. "And please do your keys," she said before leaving.

"Steve, what are our tasks?" DK asked softly. Steve shrugged and looked at DK.

The shorter man had on a purple space suit with his normal wizard's hat. It flopped slightly into his face and DK pushed it back

"No clue. But let's check," Steve responded. He saw two tablets stacked on top of each other and handed the purple one to DK. DK smiled and took it before looking at Steve.

Steve wore a red beanie with his helmet clipped to his belt. His red suit glinted as he shifted his weight.

"Alright. Let's do the keys before Hafu yells at us," DK said after checking his tasks.

They quickly did keys before walking out of the dropship. The purple planet was dusty and snowy, and it felt cold.

The boys walked next to each other, unsure what to say. Unsure what to do.

They knew someone was gonna be killed eventually, but hopefully not them. Hands wrapped around Steve's waist and he turned to face one of his closest friends.

"Hey baby. Where are you and DK heading?" Apollo asked, tilting Steve's head up. Steve felt his face flush as he was forced to meet Dumbdogs eyes.

DK watched this, slight jealousy tingling through him. He had liked Steve for a very long time, but Steve always seemed to have it bad for Apollo.

The taller man wore a green space suit with a hat on his head, his helmet clipped to his belt.

"We were gonna go do storage," Steve answered, mesmerized by the man. Apollo nodded and nuzzled him.

"Alright, don't die or do anything stupid," Apollo said and walked off. Steve watched him before DK grabbed his hand, dragging him into the storage room

"Could you not?" DK asked, looking over to the younger man.

"Not what?" Steve asked, tilting his head in confusion. DK rolled his eyes, annoyed very clearly with how Steve was acting.

"Gee, I don't know. Let Apollo marinate you? We don't know who or what the others are Steve,"

"I know it's just...It's Apollo,"

"Yeah. It's always Apollo isn't it? Well, right now you need to get over it. I'm your lover, according to the game,"

"It's a game-"

"You say as if we aren't standing here on planet Polus!!"

"Just do storage DK. Hurry up, I want to get to security," Steve mumbled, not too amused by the older man.

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