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Anna's POV:
It's finally my first day of being a senior in high school. I never really liked school but I've just joined a new one, I'm kinda nervous about it but to be completely honest, I'm also excited.

I just can't wait to make new friends... well, that is if I do. I kind of want to have a relationship as well.

You see the thing is, I've had many girlfriends but every single one has either, cheated on me, walked away without any explanation or just ended things on bad terms.

I don't know if it would be any different now but I hope it will be.

The reason I changed schools was because my parents and I used to live in LA and we was there for just over 7 years but then my dad got a job opportunity here. I was originally born in, Michigan so being back in my hometown feels good, plus we've got the same house that I grew up in as we carried on paying for it whilst being in LA.

I ran downstairs after getting my bag ready, immediately being greeted by my parents and my two brothers, Tommy and Brandon.

"Good morning, sweetheart" my mom said with a smile. "Morning mom". My dad and brothers also said good morning to me afterwards. "Excited for your first day?" my dad asked, rubbing my shoulder as that is his was of showing affection. "Very, I can't wait" I said in excitement.

"Don't get into any fights without me" my brother, Tommy said while pointing his index finger at me with a serious look on his face. "I won't, bro. It wouldn't be the same without you". "That's my little sister" Tommy said, giving me his fist to punch it.

I finished eating my bagel then chugged my milk and looked at the time on my phone, seeing that it was 8:30am, I have school in half an hour and it takes the same amount of time to get there.

"I've got to go" I said, standing up, as my mom placed a kiss on my cheek. "See you later, have a good day" my mom said, smiling at me as I leaved the house and got in my car.


I got out of my car feeling nervous to walk in but I did it anyways.

The first thing I need to do is go to the principals office to get my schedule for the school year. I really hope I make some friends here, my last ones ditched me as soon I left my old school... fake ass motherfuckers, am I right?

"Hey sir, I'm the new student. Anna Shumate" I said as I opened the door. "Hey Anna, It's nice to finally be meeting you" the principal said as he placed his pen down as he was writing something.

"And you, sir" I smiled at him. "One second, I'm just going to get your schedule" he stood up and went to one of his draws, searching through it for the papers.

"Here you go, Anna, I hope you have an amazing day" he gave me the said object. "Thank you, sir. Is anyone going to show me around?".

"Oh yes, let me just arrange that quickly.." he said then went over to his computer typing something down. ".. Right, we've got one of our top students to show you around, she should be here any minute now".

With that, a light brown haired girl came to the office, looking at me with a smile. "Hey" the said girl smiling at me as she entered the room. "Hey, I'm Anna Shumate" I greeted her, returning the smile.

She's really pretty. "I'm Eva Cudmore, ready to start your first day?" she asked me with a cute smile. "I think so" she noticed the anxiety in my voice and the facial expression as she looked at me with sympathy. "Come on, let's go" she put her arm around my neck as we walked out of the the office.

"Don't worry too much about it, I was like you on my first day but I ended up actually liking this school" that calmed me down so much more.

"Thanks, it's just that, I moved back here from LA and the school that I went to there, I got into a relationship with someone but they started to cheat on me. I caught my significant other fucking some chick in the restroom one day and they completely lied to me afterwards even though I knew everything" I was fidgeting with my rings as I noticed Eva, take a glance at what I was doing.

"Well I can promise you, nothing will happen here and I have never heard from anyone that their partner had cheated on them. You're going to be fine, plus, I'm going to be with you" after her saying that made me calm down a bit more. "Okay, thanks for the reassurance". "No problem, shumate, now, let's get you settled into this place".

Eva, showed me everywhere, all the big ass classrooms and the cafeteria. She showed me where her and her friends sit for lunch so that I can join them. I think she doesn't want me to feel lonely.

"What's your first class?" she was looking into my eyes as I started to look at my schedule. "Maths". "Cool, let's go" she grabbed ahold of my hand and speed walked to the classroom.

"Here we are" Eva, let go of my hand and opened the door. "We've got the same class together, hopefully we'll be able to sit next to each other" she continued to say as we entered the room.

"I fucking well hope so". "Language" the maths teacher said as she turned around and faced us.

I'm not gonna lie, I think this is going to be a good year... especially if she's going to be one of my teachers because god damn, she's smoking hot.

"Sorry, miss" I looked down to the ground with embarrassment. "You're the new student, right?" she asked with a smile. "Yes, miss" I looked back up at her and my eyes were drawn to hers.

shit, shit, shit, she's walking up to me. come on dick please don't do this now

"Your names, Anna Shumate, am I correct?" she gave me another smile, making butterflies attack my stomach. "Yes" I smiled back but felt really nervous. "I'm Miss Robinson, nice to meet you".

"And you, um, so where do I sit?" I looked over at Eva, who was also smiling at me as she watched my interaction with her.

"You can sit anywhere you want, there's still two seats there and a few over there" she pointed at the empty seating as I looked at where her finger was showing me.

"Okay, thanks". "Of course, Anna". Eva and I sat in the back row in the middle as, Miss Robinson started the lesson.

this is going to one hell of a year

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