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Who's in the shadows?
Who's ready to play?

Areum came out of the train, debating whether she should head home or not. She used to work as a cleaner in the nearby church, used to. She was fired from her job today, a job which hardly gave her enough money to go through a month but now she doesn't have that too. She was the only source of money but now that she has lost her job she is ashamed to show her face to her mom. She doesn't really care about her dad because he is out doing god knows what nuisance most of the Times but she cared for her mother and wanted her to get treated as soon as possible. She was diagnosed by stage 2 cancer.

She took a seat on a bench in the station and took some time debating about her excuses, possible reactions of her parents and what was she even going to do without any money but soon it was broken off by a man who took a seat next to her. He wore and neat and clean suit, polished shoes and held a suitcase with him.

He turned to Areum and smiled softly before speaking, "Miss, if you have some time-" "Ah no I don't, I'm just leaving

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He turned to Areum and smiled softly before speaking, "Miss, if you have some time-" "Ah no I don't, I'm just leaving." She cut him off and stood up to leave but the man held her wrist. She looked at him with wide eyes and tried freeing her hand out of his."I'm sorry? I don't know you!" Areum almost shouted. "But I know you.." the man smirked and continued,"Kang Areum, 23 years old. Education at Busan international school and attended no University because of your father having no money since he left his job. Used to work at the church but got fired today. Family involves a drug addict father and a sick mother, father has a debt of 10 million Korean won which you are supposed to pay." She was speechless, the man said her biography out of the blue. She opened her mouth but closed it. "Who are you?!" She asked. The man just smiled and said, "I'll tell you everything if you play a game with me. You know how to play ddakji right?" Areum was confused so she didn't answer so the man continued, "If you are able to turn the card then I'll pay you 10,000 won and if I turn the card you'll pay me 10,000 won." This new information made her a bit interested in the game so she turned in. The man chuckled and asked her to choose one color among red or blue. She chose red.

They played ddakji and everytime she won he really did pay her 10,000 won but everytime she lost, instead of paying, the man took turns in slapping her since she doesn't have money. The man was extremely good at the game and she was slapped numerous times. At last after 20 rounds she eventually had 60,000 won which was a lot for her. The man handed her a card and said, "I pay people for playing kids games like these and you can make much more than that." She looked at him and then at the card, it was simple and had a triangle, circle and square at one side and a number on the other. When she looked up the man was far gone.

She took a quick glance at the card and put it in her pocket

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She took a quick glance at the card and put it in her pocket. She headed out of the station, buying some food and her mother's meds. She happily went in her house and saw her sick mother on her bed sound asleep. Her father wasn't home as always. She woke her mom up and gave her some food before giving her the pills for treatment. "Oh my daughter, did you get a raise in salary?" Her mom asked and cupped her daughter's face. She smiled sadly at her mom and said, "Ye.. Yeah you can enjoy for now. I have more food! Why don't you eat it?" Her mom smiled and ate her food. She left some for her dad and went to sleep.

While she was on her bed, icing the bruise on her cheek, she took the card out and scanned it carefully. She disagreed to call the number on the card but eventually did it. The call started ringing and Areum started double-thinking if it's a good idea. The call was picked up before she could think any further.

"Hello?" The voice on the other line said for the 3rd time when Areum replied back with a polite "Yes" and continued, "Is.. Is there any games being played here?" She now thought that it might be a prank and was about to cut the call when the other line spoke "Yes it is. If you wish to play the games and earn money then please tell us your name and date of birth." "Yeah, My name is Kang Areum. Date of birth 7 July 1997." She replied. "Okay your name has been registered, please stay ready near Busan tower at 5am tomorrow and we'll come pick you up. Make sure to keep the card with you. Thank you." And the call ended. Wasn't 5 am too early? She sighed heavily and slept to get ready for the trip that will change her life.


Yes I finally did a FF on this amazing show! Kang Areum isn't just going to be a player in this. Stay tuned to get to know more.

Since everyone is saying that she'll be soldier cuz she took red, well I don't know about that theory, but I did read an article where the director of squid game stated that the work of people did get decided by the color they choose. So let's not get into that theory cuz neither did I use that theory. Just imagine that Areum decided herself to join.

 Just imagine that Areum decided herself to join

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(Source: koreaboo)

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I also have another fanfiction on "My Name" be sure to check it out if you loved the series! The book is named as  "NEMESIS"

-Author 😁

𝑹𝑶𝑼𝑵𝑫 𝑺𝑰𝑿 (A squid game FF)Where stories live. Discover now