Chapter 5

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Things that come up are eventually bound to come down, which can be taken in two ways considering what happens in this chapter but it's supposed to be in the good must eventually turn bad, not what the warnings are implying.



Giyuu is feeling, decently better now that he's slept on it and been given time to mull over things, or clear his fogged-up head is a better way to put it, he feels better, mentally at least. Physically he feels like shit. Which in short term he considers it a win, in the long run, he considers it a loss, guess you just can't have both, can you? Or for him at least.

He spends his moments- the more growingly coherent ones where he isn't heaved down by his fatigue- mostly reading the spare books he finds on the shelf, or maybe drawing if he can manage to sneak away a piece of paper and pencil away from Shinobu, occasionally Tanjiro visits, staying until he's shooed out then appearing back later. He eats the food he's given- which is mostly either broth or okayu- takes his medicine and does what he's required without any protests, he doesn't feel like raising much of a fuss if he can help it.

Though he's not quite sure he can say the same about Tanjiro however, he seems to have quite the aptitude for angering the workers of this mansion, especially with his next proposition.

He wishes for the two of them to have lunch together.

It's a superfluous decision, really, to waste his time with him instead of his little sister, but he can't say he doesn't particularly enjoy his company, it's... It's nice, despite how one-sided the conversations always end up being. Thankfully the boy has a knack for catching him whenever he isn't in a particularly sour mood which is most of the time though he has his moments where his patience wears thin, however, those moments are few and far between. 

 So he really expects this interaction to be no different.   

The two of of them meet at what he assumes is the proper time for lunch, however, the weather makes it fully unclear, not that it matters but he'd like to be clueful of it if he could help it.

A sudden strike of lightning, resembling the sound of the striking of a whip made Tanjiro jump, he didn't instead, taking a sip of his water. The two sat in mostly silence while they ate, Tanjiro between bites, although, the roaring of the storm outside seemed to do most of the talking for the two which presumed them to settle into a peaceful silence. However, due to his luck, the peacefulness never seemed to last long- for him at least. 

There had been an itch in his nose, he scrunched up his nose a bit but continued on eating, then it lingered, building up, and before he knew it he sneezed which wasn't out of the ordinary if he were, to be honest, but it was a surprise, but not a big deal. 

"Bless you," Tanjiro wishes him, not looking up from his meal.

"Thank yo-" Since the world has something out for him, and apparently his body, before he can finish his words, he breaks out into a sudden sneezing fit, his hand jolting out and grabbing for purchase at the table, grabbing on tight enough that his knuckles turn white. A shiver runs down his spine as he breathes in deep breaths and as he starts to steady himself. Something is off, is the only thing he can think of, while yes, he isn't quite sure of it, he is sure of one thing which is that he'll deal with it later.

Under his breath, after wiping his face with his sleeve he mutters an apology and continues to carry on eating as if the event that had just previously conspired hadn't. Things were better that way sometimes. He wasn't quite sure whether or not something had happened, he assumed that nothing had, that was until a drop of blood landed right next to his plate and demanded his attention.

Oh, something had happened.

The hashira moves his sleeve to wipe away at his face and as expected, it's blood that stains his sleeve. He's sure if this were anyone else, they'd panic, maybe curse or swear but he doesn't, recalling a weird fact that Kocho shared with him on a mission once that if you sneeze enough times you could possibly gain a bloody nose, albeit rare, he guesses he's just one of those instances then. After that, he continues eating as if it never happened because he's quite sure nothing did.

Well, that was until the dull pain started growing louder and louder, demanding his attention all at once. He tried to ignore it at first, he really did, but between the waves of pain after pain steadily building and the dizziness that lead to him spacing out it was hard to focus on anything between the haze of static that clouded his mind. The next few moments were a blur and before he knew it he was stumbling out of the room and into the bathroom and onto the disgusting bathroom floor.


He doesn't want to touch the floor or the toilet because although it's clean really who knows what happened there? Exactly

Then comes the vomit and he settles with just not touching the floor, the disgusting floor.  Even as the bile forces its way out of his throat, even as his body trembles and shakes and his vision spins he refuses. He refuses.

He leans his head against the side of toilet, the pain in his head growing stronger and stronger by the second practically pounding a hole into his head. His stomach hurt even more than before as if his very insides were dissolving at the seams, stomach-churning as he has to resist the urge to claw at the spot where most of the pain is inflicted. Giyuu does his best to blink back the tears forming in the corner of his eyes, curling on himself as another flash of pain runs through and makes him shiver, a whimper slipping past his lips. He was cured, wasn't he? So why is this happening?

His vision turns on himself, spinning and swirling together, his limbs feel heavy, shaky even, hunger embedding itself deep into his gut but the very thought of food makes him feel disgusted, almost wanting to throw up once more. He lets out a small, shuddering breath after another, the static in his ears grows louder and louder until it cancels out everything around him until it consumes him whole. 

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