Chapter 13 - Ill See You Again

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TW - Cursing, crying, mention of death

~Tommy's Pov~

I carefully wrapped the towel around the stick, I would be fine right? It would only be a few days that I'll be gone.


I'll make sure to be back before Tubbo's ceremony and stuff. I lifted the stick and put it over my shoulder as I walked out into the grass. It was rather warm but still spiky.

People from the village gave me weird stares as they saw me go near the forest. I didn't like it at all, they whispered as I passed by them.

They don't think I'm that fucking dumb do they? I can hear and see them.

A man in a blue shirt with a red and white square in the middle with light blue pants came up to me.

"Are you heading to the forest kid?" The man said

"Yeah, why do you ask?" I tuned to him

"Well be careful, people have been going missing lately"

"I'm sure I'll be fine sir" I reassured the man

"Alright then, be on your way"

I turned back towards the forest and started walking again. I don't blame the man, people have been going missing. I knew why though, it was the monsters in the forest.

Some of them look scary and some look sweet. Some were nice and some were mean. I entered the forest by its entrance and walked down the yellowish path. I knew this path and I had gone down it a lot so there was no point in going down it.

Half way through I went off the trail a walked past a bunch of trees. At this point I was just tried now, I sat down against a tree and drank some water.

I knew I probably wasn't going to find anything, how was I gonna find my family in this giant fucking hell of a forest? If I could at least find just one of my brothers or something.

It was getting dark and the normal night monsters would come out. I had to find a hole or something to hide and sleep in for the night.

I stood up and walked around, the darker it got the faster I walked. Soon enough I could hear some growling sounds and noises from far away.

That was until i heard something quite unpleasant. A very loud and close growl coming from behind me. I froze a slowly looked behind me towards the trees and bushes.

The bush to the right had moved with a rustle. I immediately sprinted in the other direction. I could hear running behind me and my heavy breath.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck...

I jumped over tree branches and rocks, I was starting to run out of breath. Everything around me was barely seeable.

My legs hurt so much after 10 minutes of running, the whatever was behind me was still chasing me.

I noticed I was starting to slow down and realized some cuts that were on my arms. I couldn't keep running, I was way to tried.

"I didn't sign up for this shit man!" I yelled out

Just barely from the dark I could make out a large open tree trunk, big enough for me to quickly squish in. If the thing behind me was small enough then I was done for.

It's worth the risk. I sped up with the last amount of energy I had and slid into the open tree trunk.


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