Chapter 34: Trust Me

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Bad cast a finger in the direction of the glass box, and yelled, "But it was Ranboo who ruined our plans! It was Ranboo who denied us our chance at peace! We would have all been happy- one flag under The Egg, but he took that future away from us. So, you see, he's the monster here- not me! Him!" With a quick snap of his fingers, the remaining members of The Eggpire mounted the stage. "Guards! Commence the execution! Let the banquet begin!"

Well, that was unexpected, Ranboo thought. The curtain had dropped to reveal none other than The Egg itself.

In hindsight, the sentient probably should have been scared by the alien's appearance, especially after last night. But after everything he'd been through, both in this timeline and the last, Ranboo had had enough. He'd met Death's vicious gaze so many times now that the fear he'd held for the mistress had long since faded away. Any normal emotional response he'd have in the face of danger had been repressed, buried under a host of trauma. Through apathy, he was invincible.

Ranboo watched as Bad addressed the crowd for what seemed to be the forty-seventh time. Gods, he sure likes to talk, he observed. He must not get a lot of attention back in The Eggpire.

As the hybrid's monologue droned on and on, Ranboo sunk to the bottom of the glass box, bored out of his mind. Is it wrong to just crave death instead of waiting for him to stop talking? the enderman thought. Do people think that? I'd rather die than listen to any more of this speech.

In retrospect, Ranboo probably should have structured his wish a little bit differently, because suddenly, The Eggpire came alive. Members of the cult were mounting the stage and approaching his enclosure, dragging along a ladder and a hose. The enderman's eyes went wide, the fear he had so carefully repressed blooming back to life. I take it back. Oh, gods, I take it back. I don't want to die.

The Eggpire's minions carefully stood the ladder next to the glass box. Oh, please, no- One of them climbed to the top and removed the glass top. Don't do this, please- The others fed the hose to the one stood on the ladder, who placed the open end inside the tank.

Just before the water started pouring in, the outcome of his execution flashed before Ranboo's eyes. The one weakness all endermen shared was water, a cursed liquid that could burn through skin and drown its victims. It would be a slow and painful death, gruesome in detail and agonizing to watch.

A sudden, crazy idea struck the sentient, and shook him to his core. It was ridiculous, it was insane, but in the end, it was would save the server. He banged on the glass one last time, desperately trying to get his husband's attention. "TUBBO!! TUBBO!!" But it was too late.

Water sprayed down like an abrasive shower, sending the enderman to his knees. He hissed as the droplets doused his hair, and cursed as they ran down his skin. Just because he was in a little pain, though, he couldn't stop trying. With the fate of the world resting on his shoulders, the sentient continued to flail about, hoping to somehow catch his husband's eye.


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As always, thank you so much for the support everyone!!! Stay tuned to find out what happens next!! <333

As always, thank you so much for the support everyone!!! Stay tuned to find out what happens next!! <333

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[Image Credits] [Image Credits] "Podium" (Cropped Slightly) by kjarrett (

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